Thursday, October 31, 2019
Research skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Research skills - Essay Example Conclusions of this scientific report established that there was indeed a connection between physical activities and increases in both the QoL and oxygen uptake of CHF patients. In the title and abstract, everything was already highlighted and students who intend to use it as a secondary source would already know the main point of the authors, which was to assess whether QoL and oxygen uptake among patients with CHF were in fact affected positively when they engaged in physical activities. The title was in itself the aim stipulated by the abstract, but it was not clear as to who the target audience of the authors were. So judging from the abstract alone and disregarding the nature of the journal wherein the article was published, it could have been addressed to the general public who might seek the research for their respective reasons. On one hand, audience groups with no medical or pharmacological know-how would have difficulty understanding the abstract. The title was also deceiving. Even if there was truth that the subjects were patients with CHF, the heading, as it was couched in general terms, gave the impression that â€Å"patients with chronic hear t failure†included both male and female subjects. As it happened, the research focused only on 42 men with CHF New York Heart Association classification II and III. Given this fact, the authors could have stated honestly in the title that the research pertained to â€Å"male patients†with CHF. This is to avoid provoking rash presumptions. However, such consistency between title and abstract, despite the redundancy, showed the researchers’ conviction on the efficacy of their study (Klocek, et al., 2005, pp.323-324). In the introductory portion of the report, the authors worked on terms that appeared in both the title and the abstract and provided certain facts about them. There were brief explanations on CHF, health-related quality of life (HRQoL), oxygen uptake, and the individual roles
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Sufficient Staff Training for Prevention and Management of Violence in Research Proposal
Sufficient Staff Training for Prevention and Management of Violence in Acute Inpatient Psychiatric and mental health care Units - Research Proposal Example This essay discusses that over the years, researchers have stressed on the relationship between caregivers and clients. Special consideration to this relationship is given in terms of behavioral health sciences because of the increased potential for aggression with this client population. Mental health caregivers can considerably reduce the number of violent incidents that are more likely to happen in an acute inpatient psychiatric unit. Studies have revealed that healthcare workers including nurses, physicians, psychologists and social workers are likely to experience physical assault or verbal violence from patients in behavioral health units. The amount of violence has increased in various workplaces and researchers such as Rippon have identified exposure to violence as a significant problem for health care professional as well. The need to offer timely staff training programs to the healthcare professions for the prevention and management of violence has been pointed out by such researchers as Doughty; Warshaw & Messite; and Flannery et al. Similarly, the adverse effects and negative consequences of patient violence on the health care workers have also been pointed out by such researchers as Doughty and Stathopoulou. The before and after studies conducted by researchers such as Calabro, Mackey and Williams have also revealed that staff training enhances the knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy, and behavioral intention of the participants towards violence in the work place.... ers including nurses, physicians, psychologists and social workers are likely to experience physical assault or verbal violence from patients in behavioral health units. The amount of violence has increased in various workplaces and researchers such as Rippon have identified exposure to violence as a significant problem for health care professional as well (Rippon, 2000). The need to offer timely staff training programs to the healthcare professions for the prevention and management of violence has been pointed out by such researchers as Doughty (2005); Warshaw & Messite (1996); and Flannery et al (2000). Similarly, the adverse effects and negative consequences of patient violence on the health care workers have also been pointed out by such researchers as Doughty (2005) and Stathopoulou (2003). The before and after studies conducted by researchers such as Calabro, Mackey and Williams (2002) have also revealed that staff training enhances the knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy, and b ehavioral intention of the participants towards violence in the work place. Training staff servicing in psychiatric and mental health care units are more likely to experience incidents of violence and therefore it is imperative that further researches are undertaken in this regard to identify how far staff training helps in preventing violence in acute health care units. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the correlation of trained staff working in acute inpatient psychiatric units and the number of violent incidents observed within the milieu. The research aims to give prominence to the need of training which is required to prevent and manage the incidents of violent episodes. This research will be helpful for the population in the medical field including nurses, doctors,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Social Media And The Ever Changing Public Relations Media Essay
Social Media And The Ever Changing Public Relations Media Essay Throughout the 1990s, according to Pindom (2008) the amount of the world wide websites expanded from 100.000 to more than 160 million websites until today. At this time and age, specialists of public relations are progressively utilize as their main major way of communication, the electronic media. Actually, it is said that online media communication is the most fundamental and essential tool for practitioners of public relations (Phillips, 2000). By this way, the business of PR is forced to employ new technologies for coping effectively with the latest economic, political and sociological realities (Phillips, 2008). The current report aims to examine the impact of social media in the industry of public relations exploring the emergence of the approach of new media and the differences, advantages and disadvantages of traditional and new media channels. Moreover, it will investigate the effects of social media in the PR profession as well as the future of PR within the expanded online media usage. At last but not least, some suggestions for strategies will be made for the benefit of PR due to the continuously changing economic, political and social environment. PR in the era of Social Media One of the most remarkable facts of the 1990s was the explosive expansion of the internet which builded a different form of mass communication given that in 1994 it developed into an effective tool for commercial activity (Hanson, 2007). At that time, internet was just exchanging scientific information in contradiction with today which has transformed into an entire world, as a tool of global communication (Wilcox et al, 2009). Social media didnt actually start with the use of personal computers but it started off with telephones. Homemade electronic devices that could generate tones that were built in order to allow early social media explorers to make free calls and get access to the experimental back end of the telephone system. Ward Christensen was the first to develop electronic Bulletin Board System (BBS) that was opened to the public in 1979. The first BBSs were small servers powered by personal computers attached to a telephone modem, where one person at a time could dial in and get access. BBSs had social discussions on message boards, community-contributed file downloads, and online games. Since the late 1960s the internet existed as a network, but the World Wide Web became publicly available in 1991. By the late 90s Usenet and BBSs were replaced by internet forums that have started growing in popularity. Social media are divided in the following types with the purpose of better understanding their functionality. First, the most influential type is social networking which includes sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. In this type of sites, people can share content, messages and add friends. Then, another type is Blogs, the most popular tool, which are online interactive journals where the author can share images, text and content from other blogs or websites and allows readers to leave comments. Examples of blogging platforms are WordPress, TypePad and Blogger. Moreover, there are Wikis as for instance Wikipedia, which refers to content created online as a result of multiple users working on the same content, but at different times and from different places. Additionally, Photo sharing, like Flickr and Photobucket, and Video Sharing, like YouTube are sites where people can upload their photos or videos respectively and share them in public. Furthermore, there is Social Bookmar king, for example Digg and Delicious which allow users to share their favorite online content with one another while also creating online bookmarks that the user can refer to in the same way he would a bookmark created offline in his web browser. Finally, there are the Virtual Reality sites, as Second Life, Online Gaming like World of Warcraft.- So, what is exactly a social medium? Social media are media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. As Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) define social media as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, which allows the creation and exchange of user-generated content (p.60). From the definition mentioned above Social Media can be described as dynamic, interactive, searchable, infinite, syndicated, linkable, and reusable, and the reason why it is growing, and becoming so popular among users is the fact that most of it is free, theres a lot of traffic, trust, and knowledge being shared. Millions of people now gather and interact online, track news and make their own. Therefore the essential reason for using social media is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the need for dialogue and open communication. It is a new communication technology that gives the ability to people to interact with each other but most importantly it gives the ability to people to share and publish information through various audiovisual forms (Weisgerber, 2009). Social Media is yet another form of media, and a way to transmit information, but unlike traditional media channels, communication is not top-down and one-way from publisher to reader. Its communication in all directions people are sharing and generating their own content. And, unlike traditional media content, social media content is multimedia linkable text, video, audio, images, even shared comments. The rapid appearance of social media in the public area and the awareness of a powerful online consumer-force have alerted every kind of business all over the world. As consumers increasingly influence each other and share their opinions on brands and products on the internet, businesses are forced to rethink and reorganize marketing and communication strategies in order to keep up with continually changing consumer trends.  New Media VS Traditional Media Once, corporate PR strategies were used to control the message by creating a carefully crafted press release and forwarded to newspapers. Traditional PR does not provide communications to accommodate the fundamental shift in our culture. The attractiveness and development of customer generated news has diminished the strenght of third party credibility. The power of gate keepers has deteriorate due to the staffs cut of electronic and print media and have lessened the news hole size in order to burnish profits. There are no less than fourteen types of emerging/new media consisting of RSS feeds, corporate,video and grass root blogs, collaboration and client wikis, podcasts, technorati tags, webcasts,social media, such as facebook and twitter, and virals. All these forms of new media allow users to interact with one another, and by this way interactivity becomes mainstream(Phillips,2008,p.79). At this time and age, the world is essentially different. News and brand identity are no longer controlled through press releases or carefully composed newspaper articles. Brands are shaped by the audience-and the audience is everyone (Ampofo, 2010). People talk and people listen. Social tools, social media, and social engagement are the utilized methods of communication for many large advertising companies that have populated sites like Facebook and Twitter with brand focused pages and interactive techniques. Globalization and Internet have transformed PR, outlying best practices and providing strategic advice for communicating successfully and internationally (Freitag and Strokes, 2009). Using a variety of techniques, businesses can reach new online audiences and create new marketplaces. As social media moves from buzz word status to a strategic tool, more practitioners are developing skills related to this online communication technology. Everything is moving towards a digital wor ld. It can be said that people, and more specifically young people, dont read books, magazines, newspapers anymore. They are exclusively informed, for what they are interested for, through the Internet. Everything is moving into a digital form, consequently everything is turning digital, exactly like PR. Social Media is no longer a trend, or something to try out. As Eyrich, Padman, and Sweetser (2010) say it is becoming an integral part of PR programs. And PR people have to master social media and use them strategically to be effective. Its clear that we are entering the era of Social Media. They are in our everyday life and everything is done through them: Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations. Social Media is empowering people to become the new influencers, and it is forcing PR and marketing professionals to recognize and include these powerful tools in their advertising and marketing communications strategies. In other words, there is plenty of literature discussing the potentiality of social media in influencing public opinion as well as behaviour, still however there are no solid evidence demonstrating the power of this media in achieving what is suspected.The truth is that, there arent many experts, even though there are many actively trying to play the role. The effects of social media in public relations One of the greatest phenomenons of the 21st century is the excessive usage of social media from a diversified audience consisting of a multicultural, multinational, multireligion of every age public. People choose to utilize social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter and Second Life, because of their social and psychological need to interact (Phillips, 2008). Internet becomes more and more addictive and the human need to interrelate grows steadily even more compelling the PR specialists to use new technologies and new communication channels. Companies and businesses should use Social Media and get advantage of the benefits that they provide. The reasons are extended to a wide variety. There are many advantages for public relations to use social media as a tool on a daily basis. First of all, Social Media is insensitive to distance as a topic, need, or interest may be targeted on a global basis, there are no gatekeepers/editors as it is flattened with a one to many, and many to many approaches. Theres a lot of interaction as there is feedback whereas discussions take place, as well as debates, and response to requests by people or machines. There are fewer space and time limitations because there is a large and layered capacity for information. In addition the access costs are low, but the necessary computer programming may be expensive. Another important fact is that Social Media may be customized but also immediate feedback,such as e-mail and online chat rooms, are instant, and at the same time very simple, plus great flexibility in the format is available as multimedia is being used . Social Media provides the advantage of selecting from up to hundreds of social media bookmarks and tags; it also views on-the-fly online performance indicators right from the public relation release. Aids PR practitioners stay aware of what people are saying about the release (e.g. Digg, Technorati). Moreover it views the number of locations the press release is listed in Google, Windows Live and Yahoo! (e.g. PRStats), and assists interaction with visitors who view the news. Finally, it can help in Managing coordinated attacks on brands by activist groups without the campaigns turning into PR nightmares (Crisis Management). Last but not least, lets not forget that PR is about creating relationships. So, social media provide exactly this, through the many tools and application each Social Medium has. Social Media, lead to effective communication, which builds trust and strong relationships with media, bloggers, analysts, influencers, and customers. Also it creates presence; it enhances brand loyalty and extends brand resonance. Public relations practitioners will repeatedly be required to exploit new management communication skills where there might be specific according to the interest, group and/or community. Once upon a time, the strength of media ownership was depending upon the circulation size whereas now it is depended upon the connection in the online community (Phillips, 2008). According to Lydia Graham, President of Graham Associates in San Francsisco, taking as an example the evolution of a press release flow within the internet, it is now considered to be an online web page directly adressed to the consumer who is able to access it at the same time with the journalist impacting the style, content and format. In addition, news release can approach a whole online community; thats why it is no longer one-dimensional. Overall,it can be said that the growth of social media is spreading out whereas the industry of public relations can benefit from this expansion. The world communication structure is being altered and PR must adjust to the framework of the changing environment. Looking at the Future: instead of Conclusion In a nutshell, social media have come a long way since BBS on the late 80s and the launch of the first social networks to the area of Facebook, Twitter and Blogs. Larry Weber, a professional in building global Communications companies including Weber Shandwick Worldwide, suggests that the communications world is dramatically moving in a digital direction and those who understand this transformation will communicate much more effectively than those who do not (Weber, 2007). Social media continues to evolve continually, with major social networks and social media sites making changes and improvements on an almost daily basis, its sure to keep evolving in coming years. Public Relations with the use of Web 2.0 tools can deliver one or many messages. Interaction, immediate reaction and customization are the characteristics of these tools that aid PR practitioners to stay tuned with the publics. Therefore, Blogs can be all of the above and are used within and outside organizations to infor m , effect and generate interest over any subject that concerns the media. As described earlier, the last years social media have become one of the major communication tools of a large number of individuals around the world. Their rapid rise gave companies the opportunity to use them as one of their major public relations, marketing, advertising and promoting tool. They are providing people with a rapid method for communication. They are a  «strategic marketing tool » and provide industries and companies with a simple way for promoting their brand image globally. Social media is a way for building immediate relationships with your customers and maintaining them. Since mobile devices have become the central way of how people communicate with each other, mobile phones for social media networking is the number one future goal. Keeping in mind that today there are more than 500 million Facebook users who are actively signing up to their accounts from not only their PCs but also their mobile phones. This leads to a new era where future will be mobile. With t he increased use of Smartphones such as BlackBerry and Apples iPhone, people are moving towards a mobile and wired web union. If we already have reached the crest, what else is remaining to conquer? Web 2.0 along with blogs is here, and what is coming next is referred to as Web 3.0. Web 3.0 wont only be about reading, and writing but it will also deliver à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦a new generation of business applications that will see business and social computing converge on the same fundamentals as on-demand architecture has for consumer applications. Web 3.0 era will radically change individuals career paths as well as the organizations where they work. Phillips (2000) Online Public Relations 1st edition Pingdom (2010) How we got from 1 to 162 million websites on the internet? [Internet] Available from: Accessed on 28th of December 2010 Kaplan, Anreas M., and Michael L. Haenlein. Users of the World, Unite! The Challenges and Opportunities of Social Media. Web. 20 Nov. 2010. . Ampofo, Lawrence. Proving PR Success in Digital Media. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO, May-June 2009. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. . Eyrich, Nina, Monica L. Padman, and Kaye D. Sweetser. PR Practitioners Use of Social Media Tools and Communication Technology. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO, Nov. 2010. 113sid=5ad4b579-1c84-4691-9cd5-6408ef5e022f%40sessionmgr104bdata= JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=aphAN=35326323>.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Rhetorical Analysis of a The New York Times Article Essay example -- A
The article titled "The man with the snow job" appears in the Opinion Pages, The New York Times. Author, Gail Collins, opens her article with the question: â€Å"Who is to blame for this weather?†which hooks readers’ attention and makes them curious about what they are going to read. In her writing, Collins talks about the current snowstorm in the United States and how it is used for everyone’s advantage. She also points out how government officials such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Al Gore, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama use the occasion of snowfall for their own purposes. The author borrows images of global warming effects to discuss some controversial problems in the society these days. She applies the following elements to establish the sarcastic tone throughout her article: hyperbole, metaphor, and simile. First, Collins uses hyperbole by repeating the word â€Å"snow†five times in one sentence: â€Å"Chicago’s snowfall was so huge that the news media ran out of things to attach to â€Å"snow†- thundersnow! snowpocalypse! snowmageddon!†(Collins). She consecutively uses three portmanteaus of the word "snow" with increasing stress level to create strong feelings. She wants to emphasize that Chicago is experiencing the most massive snowstorm in the United States, one of the consequences of global warming. This is a circumstance that causes people panic. She then reminds the readers about the blizzard of 1979 which made Mayor Michael Bilandic get â€Å"kicked out of office six weeks later in the Democratic primary.†It seems that she wants to make a connection between the congressman and a snow job. Besides hyperbole, Collins does an excellent job of using metaphors. She uses metaphor from very beginning. The phrase â€Å"snow job†in the title is a coll... ...d we have been suffering for what we have done. Human beings have to be responsible for that. Collins successfully uses the method of satire throughout her article. According to Oxford Dictionary, satire is defined as â€Å"the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.†Humor does play a big role in this article. Government officials take the occasion of snowstorms to build their image in public, attack their opponents. And even author Collins; she uses snow to make her article interesting and attractive. Works Cited Collins, Gail. 2 February 2011. 8 February 2011 .
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Ethics Case Assignment Essay
Wayne Terrago, controller for Robbin Industries, was reviewing production cost reports for the year. One amount in these reports continued to bother himadvertising. During the year, the company had instituted an expensive advertising campaign to sell some of its slower-moving products. It was still too early to tell whether the advertising campaign was successful. There had been much internal debate as how to report advertising cost. The vice president of finance argued that advertising costs should be reported as a cost of production, just like direct materials and direct labor. He therefore recommended that this cost be identified as manufacturing overhead and reported as part of inventory costs until sold. Others disagreed. Terrago believed that this cost should be reported as an expense of the current period, based on the conservatism principle. Others argued that it should be reported as Prepaid Advertising and reported as a current asset. The president finally had to decide the issue. He argued that these costs should be reported as inventory. His arguments were practical ones. He noted that the company was experiencing financial difficulty and expensing this amount in the current period might jeopardize a planned bond offering. Also, by reporting the advertising costs as inventory rather than as prepaid advertising, less attention would be directed to it by the financial community. Instructions (a) Who are the stakeholders in this situation The stakeholders in this situation are Wayne Terrago controller for Robbin Industries, Robbin Industries vice president of finance, Robbin Industries employees (others I am assuming are employees from Robbin Industries financial department), and the financial community (external users). Correct INCLUDEPICTURE http// MERGEFORMATINET (b) What are the ethical issues involved in this situation The ethical issue involved in this situation is how to report advertising cost. The case shows many discrepancies about the way the advertising expenses should be recorded.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Cango Wk 4 Swot
SWOT Analysis: Swot stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The SWOT analysis will assist CanGo understand the opportunities that are obtainable and what threats may have an effect on its business. Before moving onward with new ventures CanGo needs to evaluate the arrangement they currently have in the market. Performing a SWOT analysis technique would be very beneficial at this point and will serve as the baseline to elaborate on a strategic plan for the organization.C&G consultants have been monitoring CanGo’s processes for quite sometime, and we have developed the following preliminary SWOT analysis: Strength: ?Purchasing an automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS) would help to improve the warehouse, by purchasing an automated storage and retrieval system it is a great solution for CanGo’s handling inventory in a more effective and efficient manner. ?CanGo has had tremendous growth over the past couple of years. CanGo has also been recogni zed for as one of the fastest growing small business in the Hudson Valley. CanGo is continually looking to venture out into other areas, in an effort of improving the overall organization. Weaknesses: ?One of the biggest issues is the fact that CanGo does not have a Vision and Mission Statement. Without a vision and mission the organization does not have a clear direction of the organization. ?CanGo is also missing a Strategic plan, without a strategic plan there is no roadmap for growth and prosperity. Strategic planning will help you foresee and react quickly to market changes and opportunities.CanGo should conduct these strategic plans routinely, by doing so it helps you to see opportunities earlier and set up contingency plans so threats are minimized. ?Lack of a system analysis and programmer is also a weakness for CanGo, in general a system analyst would ensure that the requirements set forth by the business are captured and documented correctly before the solution is develope d and implemented. Currently this is not happening for CanGo, so this is an area that needs to be addressed, without it CanGo would not have the knowledge of understanding how present and future business needs will impact the olutions and the implementation process. Opportunities: ?Investing in an in-house database that incorporates into an automated storage and retrieval system ASRS. Fully automated and integrated storage systems are the ultimate in warehouse management and efficiency. They allow for complete integration of the company’s ERP software with warehouse retrieval storage system. Order picking is optimized and controlled. ?CanGo would also benefit from updating their website to reinforce corporate and brand identity, this would help their existing investment in marketing go further.This would allow for CanGo to advertise services and products, build customer relations through personalized services, they could also benefit by conducting market research through thei r website. The internet is a great opportunity for your business to compete on a much more level playing field with much larger businesses. Threats ?CanGo faces losing business from their website to other websites due to their web search taking too long, where the competition’s website is optimized and produces the results quicker Recommendations Issue 1: Marketing to the right customers and consumers is vital to every business.A company needs to know how to market to a certain target to attract their customers so they can sell their goods and create a profit from their inventory. CanGo built their success onluck and they never bothered to get into the details of how their company became successful. They are lacking important and vital information to keep their company successful. Since there is no marketing department in CanGo, I would suggest for them to hire an outside company to conduct their marketing research; I believe that they would benefit from this.The upper manage ment of CanGo should research the company that would best fit the job; perhaps choosing a company that specializes in the same industry as CanGo. There are many advantages to hiring an outside research company; they would be able to determine who the target customers are, where these customers are located, how to reach the target customers and exactly what type of product or services they are looking for. Once the marketing research company determines all of these issues, CanGo would be more effective in marketing their product.Issue 2: The fact that no one is tracking where the work is and who is supposed to be working on what can lead to many problems. Some employees may be doing more work than others because they are efficient and everything seems to land on their desk while others may be receiving credit for work they are not doing. In the video we saw that Nick was tasked out with creating a process flow chart, but he passed it on to someone else, and that some one pass it down to two more people. I believe in fair and equal work between team members so they should break down the work prior to initiating any task.There is nothing wrong with helping your teammates but not do the work for them. Passing work like that can also lead to it getting misplaced. They should use a flow chart to track where the work is. A Gantt chart or a document flow chart seem like a perfect fit for this occasion. The document flow chart will trace the process flow chart document through the system to avoid it getting lost. Losing information can also lead to the loss of secret or personal information. It can be very costly and time consuming to redo all the work that was lost.No one wants to redo what he or she already did. Issue 3: CanGo has been experiencing issues where customers are browsing the website and even selection items to purchase and placing them in their check-out cart; however the customers are leaving the website without making their purchases. It appears that t he customers are experiencing issues regarding making purchases from the website. C&G consultants have a number of recommendations to enhance the shop experience on CanGo’s website. One of the reasons may be due to trust.With internet connection, people want instant gratification. If your sale process is not hassle-free, many customers will go elsewhere. In order to keep customers coming back and to making purchases, CanGo needs to make sure that it is easy to navigate throughout the website, such as making sure that when a customer click on an item it loads up in a timely fashion, time counts, when shopping on websites. Other things that could enhance the website are having a clean and professional design; your home page has a huge impact on visitors.I would also include a search box that is user friendly, this way customers can locate items that they are interested in quickly. Online customer service is another feature that would enhance business, if customers wanted to cha t about checkout problems, this could prevent cart abandonment. Not only can live support help customers figure out your site, locate products or ask questions, live chat can be reactive, where the system triggers a chat invitation based on user behavior. Last but not least there should be links to social networks, such as (Facebook, Twitter, etc. , all of these functionalities would enhance the customers visit to your website more inviting and pleasurable. Issue 4: At CanGo, there is an increase in customer complaints and returns, and before they bring in a new ASRS system and spend more money, they need to correct the customer issues beforehand. If customers are not satisfied with CanGo products or the way they are handling the ordering process, then complaining is a good way for CanGo to realize they are doing something wrong, so they can fix it.In order to keep loyal CanGo customers as well as gain more, the company needs to address where the customers complaints are coming from . This could be from the website not being user-friendly or the customer is not getting enough feedback and going through with the purchase. If the customer does go through with the purchase, then CanGo seems to be getting more returns of the merchandise bought through the website.What CanGo needs to do is to start at the beginning to to look at the company through the eyes of the customer, and they need to figure out the best way to have the customer feel great and good about their purchases from step one of the buying process to the final purchasing stage of the process. Issue 5: Website optimization is very important to online businesses, when a customer makes a search on the website they do not want to have to wait long periods for the results.To improve the issue with the long search times they need to optimize their website and use website compression, this will allow the website to run much faster and produce the quicker results that the customers are wanting. Issue 6: To sol ve is issue with where the employees that are pickers will go once the ASRS system is implemented is simple, they can look at areas that have performance and possibly quality issues and they can place these employees there as opposed to terminating them. By placing these employees in these â€Å"problem†areas, this can increase the productivity of these areas increasing more work flow.Reference Monique. (2012, January 23). [Web log message]. Retrieved from http://upandrunning. bplans. com/2012/01/23/the-benefit-of-market-research/ Best practices for speeding up your web site. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://developer. yahoo. com/performance/rules. html CanGo Video Week 3&4. (2012, November 11). Retrieved from DeVry University: www. devryu. net Harris, D. (n. d. ). Types of Flow Charts. Retrieved November 20, 2012, from eHow: www. ehow. com/about_5061018_types-flowcharts. html CanGo Videos Weeks 3&4. 2012, November 19). Retrieved from DeVry University: www. devryu. net Center for simplified Strategic Planning. (2011, November). Simplified strategic planning. Retrieved November 2012, from The best ways to reward employees: www. cssp. com/http:;www. entrepreneur. com/article/753340 CanGo Videos Weeks 3&4. (2012, November 19). Retrieved from DeVry University: www. devryu. net Top 10 Things Customers Expect from Your Online Store. (2012, 11 20). GetEelastic. Retrieved from http://www. getelastic. com/customer-expectations/
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Vote-Smart essays
Vote-Smart essays The vote-smart website was very interesting in that it provided a lot of valuable information regarding the current representatives. The U.S. Representative from my district is Baron Hill. He attended Furman University and received his Bachelors Degree for History in 1975. Although his voting participation is nearly 100 percent he does not always vote with his party. Currently he is active in the Agriculture, Armed Services, and Joint Economic Committees. On issues such as abortion and education, considered the most important [topic] in 2002 identified by the vote-smart website, Representative Hill voted 60 percent of the time with congress for the Right to Life Committee and 100 percent of the time for National Education Association. In the past three years Hill has voted congresss preferred position 100 percent of the time (vote-smart IGR) concerning the National Educational Association. I honestly was not surprised by the much of the information on the site. This district representative did however claim that in the interest group ratings section of the website, his party has somewhat changed their position concerning abortion from supporting it, to supporting the National Right to Life Committee. But as I established earlier, overall the facts about Baron Hill were not stunning. For this project I consulted and interviewed my mother. She in fact did vote for Baron Hill during the election in the 2000 campaign. My mother knew most of the information provided by the website, therefore she was not shocked by that which was disclosed. The way she explained her views closely resembles myself, and the same values that I hold. She strongly reacted to the issues on abortion since she is against it in most cases. Her belief is that if the woman is in danger and either her or the child will not make the delivery then the option should be provided. Because Rep. Hill changed his...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Theodore Roosevelt and the New York Police Department
Theodore Roosevelt and the New York Police Department Future president Theodore Roosevelt returned to the city of his birth in 1895 to take on a task that might have intimidated other people, the reform of the notoriously corrupt police department. His appointment was front-page news and he obviously saw the job a chance to clean up New York City while reviving his own political career, which had stalled. As the president of the police commission, Roosevelt, true to form, vigorously threw himself into the task. His trademark zeal, when applied to the complexities of urban politics, tended to generate a cascade of problems. Roosevelts time at the top of the New York Police Department brought him into conflict with powerful factions, and he did not always emerge triumphantly. In one notable example, his widely publicized crusade to close saloons on Sunday, the only day when many workingmen could socialize in them, provoked a lively public backlash. When he left the police job, after only two years, the department had been changed for the better. But Roosevelts time as New York Citys top cop had been raucous, and the clashes he found himself in had nearly brought his political career to an end. Roosevelts Patrician Background Theodore Roosevelt was born into a wealthy New York City family on October 27, 1858. A sickly child who overcame illness through physical exertion, he went on to Harvard and entered New York politics by winning a seat in the state assembly at the age of 23. In 1886 he lost an election for mayor of New York City. He then stayed out of government for three years until he was appointed by President Benjamin Harrison to the United States Civil Service Commission. For six years Roosevelt served in Washington, D.C., overseeing the reform of the nations civil service, which had been tainted by decades of adherence to the spoils system. Roosevelt was respected for his work reforming the federal civil service, but he wished to return to New York City and something more challenging. A new reform mayor of the city, William L. Strong, offered him the job of sanitation commissioner in early 1895. Roosevelt turned it down, thinking the job of literally cleaning up the city was beneath his dignity. A few months later, after a series of public hearings exposed widespread graft in the New York Police Department, the mayor came to Roosevelt with a far more attractive offer: a post on the board of police commissioners. Enthused by the chance to bring much-needed reforms to his hometown, and in a very public post, Roosevelt took the job. The Corruption of the New York Police A crusade to clean up New York City, led by a reform-minded minister, Rev. Charles Parkhurst, had prompted the state legislature to create a commission to investigate corruption. Chaired by state senator Clarence Lexow, what became known as the Lexow Commission held public hearings which exposed the startling depth of police corruption. In weeks of testimony, saloon owners and prostitutes detailed a system of payoffs to police officials. And it became apparent that the thousands of saloons in the city functioned as political clubs which perpetuated the corruption. Mayor Strongs solution was to replace the four-member board that oversaw the police. And by putting an energetic reformer like Roosevelt on the board as its president, there was cause for optimism. Roosevelt took the oath of office on the morning of May 6, 1895, at City Hall. The New York Times lauded Roosevelt the next morning but expressed skepticism about the other three men named to the police board. They must have been named for political considerations, said an editorial. Problems were obvious at the outset of Roosevelts term at the top of the police department. Roosevelt Made His Presence Known In early June 1895 Roosevelt and a friend, the crusading newspaper reporter Jacob Riis, ventured out into the streets of New York late one night, just after midnight. For hours they wandered through the darkened Manhattan streets, observing the police, at least when and where they could actually find them. The New York Times carried a story on June 8, 1895 with the headline, Police Caught Napping. The report referred to President Roosevelt, as he was president of the police board, and detailed how he had found policemen asleep on their posts or socializing in public when they should have been patrolling alone. Several officers were ordered to report to police headquarters the day after Roosevelts late night tour. They received a strong personal reprimand from Roosevelt himself. The newspaper account noted: The action of Mr. Roosevelt, when it became known, made a sensation throughout the department and as a consequence, more faithful patrol duty may be performed by the force for some time to come. Roosevelt also came into conflict with Thomas Byrnes, a legendary detective who had come to epitomize the New York Police Department. Byrnes had amassed a suspiciously large fortune, with the apparent help of Wall Street characters such as Jay Gould, but had managed to keep his job. Roosevelt forced Byrnes to resign, though no public reason for the ouster of Byrnes was ever disclosed. Political Problems Though Roosevelt was at heart a politician, he soon found himself in a political bind of his own making. He was determined to shut down saloons, which generally operated on Sundays in defiance of local law. The problem was that many New Yorkers worked a six-day week, and Sunday was the only day when they could gather in saloons and socialize. To the community of German immigrants, in particular, the Sunday saloon gatherings were considered an important facet of life. The saloons were not merely social but often served as political clubs, frequented by an actively engaged citizenry. Roosevelts crusade to shutter saloons on Sundays brought him into heated conflict with large segments of the population. He was denounced and viewed as being out of touch with the common people. The Germans in particular rallied against him, and Roosevelts campaign against saloons cost his Republican Party in the city-wide elections held in the fall of 1895. The next summer, New York City was hit by a heat wave, and Roosevelt gained back some public support by his smart action in dealing with the crisis. He had made an effort to familiarize himself with slum neighborhoods, and he saw that the police distributed ice to people who desperately needed it. By the end of 1896, Roosevelt was thoroughly tired of his police job. Republican William McKinley had won the election that fall, and Roosevelt began concentrating on finding a post within the new Republican administration. He was eventually appointed an assistant secretary of the Navy and left New York to return to Washington. Impact of Roosevelt on New Yorks Police Theodore Roosevelt spent less than two years with the New York Police Department, and his tenure was marked with nearly constant controversy. While the job burnished his credentials as a reformer, most of what he tried to accomplish ended in frustration. The campaign against corruption proved essentially hopeless. New York City remained much the same after he left. However, in later years Roosevelts time at police headquarters on Mulberry Street in lower Manhattan took on legendary status. He would be remembered as a police commissioner who cleaned up New York, even though his accomplishments on the job didnt live up to the legend.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Cause of Bronchitis and Tests Done To Determine It
Cause of Bronchitis and Tests Done To Determine It The most common disease associated with respiratory system is bronchitis. It is often accompanied by a cold or flu and affects people regardless of age. If your immune system is weak or you are a chain smoker, then you are greatly exposed to develop chronic bronchitis. In few cases, developing asthmatic bronchitis is also possible. Smoking is considered to be a serious cause of bronchitis which can lead to other complications like pneumonia. The substances found in cigarettes as well other tobacco causes bronchial tubes irritation. Environmental pollution and exposures to chemicals can also lead to developing chronic bronchitis. In addition, second-hand smokes as shown in some studies can also cause chronic bronchitis. Mostly, chronic bronchitis is diagnosed among metal molders, grain handlers, coal miners, and other dust-related occupation. Symptoms of chronic bronchitis worsen if air pollutants and sulfur dioxide also increases. However, bronchitis is brought about by viruses. Within a few days, these viruses may disappear without medications. If bacteria is the cause of bronchitis, then antibiotics is needed to completely overcome it. Bronchitis can either be chronic or acute. Acute bronchitis generates extreme symptoms. It normally clears up immediately if viruses caused it. Chronic bronchitis produces milder symptoms but later on can aggravate. This is often persistent with recidivating character. Chronic bronchitis requires continuous treatment to prevent symptoms from recurring. Bronchitis manifests different symptoms including coughs, breath shortness, soreness, discomfort, excessive mucus production, headache, wheezing, chest pain, and fever. Fever is present due to bacteria infections posing any possible complications. Among the COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases) illnesses, bronchitis mostly affects more people. And despite its large affected population, it is usually misdiagnosed. Insufficient clinical examination can misinterpret bronchitis with allergies, asthma, and sinusitis. The doctor will ask your medical background which includes pervious and recent smoking habits. Your endurance is also questioned whether or not it is easy for you to climb stairs or walk a long distance. Using a stethoscope, the doctor will examine your chest and back and listen to your normal breathing. In this way, signs of bronchitis can be determined. However, the best way to confirm the presence and seriousness of bronchitis is to undergo PFT or pulmonary function tests. Keep in mind that these tests can be done if causes are known. It includes: Spirometry. An instrument called spirometer is utilized to measure the air inhaled and exhaled from your lungs. Air volumes are measured to determine the ability of your lungs to hold and exhale air. Peak flow meter. It measures the PEFR (peak expiratory flow rate). PEFR is the maximum quantity of air that you can exhale upon forced exhalation. Chest x-ray. This is suggested by a doctor to know if pneumonia problems are present. Mild x-ray changes can be a sign of chronic bronchitis. ABG (arterial blood gas) test. This determines the amount of carbon dioxide and oxygen in your blood. A blood is drawn from your artery. The procedure can make you very uncomfortable. Analysis of your blood gas is useful if oxygen therapy can be advised in case your blood oxygen is very low. Additional tests are necessary if other problems related to your health are involved. If infections are present, sputum and blood tests as well as cultures are conducted to determine the causes of infections. There are different factors when considering treatments for bronchitis. If it is not caused by bacteria, unblocking the obstruction from the airways is done. Medical treatments inhaled medications helpful in unblocking the air passages of your respiratory tract. Bronchodilators are widely used for asthmatic bronchitis and chronic bronchitis.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Compare and contrast the four great errors Essay
Compare and contrast the four great errors - Essay Example Incorrectly treating an event as the cause or the effect could obviously worsen a problem. It could not help someone to solve his or her dilemma in life. The proper solution to the problem could not be discovered due to this mistake. The second error refers to false causality. In this error, people tend to invent ideas to explain their actions (â€Å"The Four†). They do not want an event left unexplained or to remain a mystery. In other words, humans tend to provide reasons for their actions if possible. The third of the four great errors is the imaginary causes error. In this error, people formulate ideas which are far from the truth just to overcome their fear of the unknown (â€Å"The Four†). They always want to control a situation. As compared with the third error, this one has no basis. It is simply a product of one’s imagination. The last error is called by Nietzsche as the free will error. It is his contention that this concept is an illusion, suggested fo r the purpose of guilt imposition and punishment (â€Å"The Four†). On the other hand, Chomsky’s â€Å"necessary illusions†involve the illusionary ideas that the media offers to the public specifically in the United States. He believes that these illusions are sometimes needed to prevent an excess of democracy to happen (Chomsky 2).
Special Education Practices, Interventions And Strategies Essay
Special Education Practices, Interventions And Strategies - Essay Example The child who is shorter than average may be assumed to possess less physical and emotional ability. It may create a challenge for the educator of students with special needs to develop age and developmentally appropriate learning activities. It is imperative that educators develop strategies for teaching communications skills, reading, what the educator thinks the student’s the developmental stage should be. Each child who receives the special education is unique, with his or her own set of strengths, weaknesses, and abilities. The educator should develop strategies â€Å"for working effectively with community and services that can help meet the needs children with disabilities†(National Evaluation System, 2009). This means strategies should be based on the needs of the individual student, rather than based solely on diagnosis and assessment. Franz Boas (the originator of the four-field approach in anthropology and first chairman of the department of anthropology at C olumbia University) â€Å"demonstrated that all children pass the same developmental milestones, but at a rate affected by heredity, by nutrition, by climate and by interactions of all of these†(Little, 2008). Though two students of the same age may have the same diagnosis, differences in abilities and levels of development will exist, based on internal and external influences. Effective strategies for special education students are based on principles of human growth and development, while taking into account the many variables that influence the development and the uniqueness of the individual student, in terms of personal development.
Negative interaction on the psyche of the American teenagers caused by Research Paper
Negative interaction on the psyche of the American teenagers caused by the violence in video games - Research Paper Example However, even with the rating systems can’t prevent exposure to violence as a staggering 89% of video games contain a degree of violent content and specifically it can also be found in more than half of E-rated (for Everyone) games (Gentile). Figure 1. Computer and video game sales from 2000 to 2011 (NPD) Violence in video games is not a relatively novel subject. Since the emergence of the video gaming industry in the 1970’s the notion that video games promoted violence became a major controversy with the release of â€Å"Death Race†in 1976 (Kent). The game involved the player as an automobile driver running over screaming â€Å"gremlins†that resembled human figures due to the primitive graphics of that era. Believing that the game appeared to condone killing of innocent civilians with a car, protestors started pulling machines out of the arcades and burning them, eventually leading to the termination of the game. Newer controversies included the p opular â€Å"Wolfesnstein 3D†and the franchises of â€Å"Street Fighter†and â€Å"Mortal Kombat†, which featured one-on-one fights and gory graphic sequences (Carnagey and Anderson). Over the past 25 years, numerous studies have researched the effects on video games on adolescents. The most prominent interest of researches has been games with violent content and the association between video game use and aggressive behavior, as well on school performance. The aggressive elements portrayed have been linked to aggression on children and adolescents, but the empirical evidence was not present to validate these assumptions (Schutte et al.; Irwin and Gross). Recent meta-analytic reviews have employed both short-term experimental and correlation studies to study the harmful effects of exposure to violent games and associated them with higher levels of aggressive behavior, physiological arousal and decreased prosocial behavior (C. A. Anderson 113-22; Anderson et al.). Most of the research has associated videogame violence with school shooting incidents while some assessed their influence from a developmental perspective (Kirsh). This review will assess the effects of video games to the adolescents as reported from various studies, discuss the underlying psychological processes and theories employed to understand them. 2. Effects of Violent Video Games The research on the effects of violent video games, however small, mirrors the larger body of research on the effects of violent films and television programs (Whaley). While many of the effects in those genres are similar, at least three reasons to believe that the former have stronger effect than violent television formats (C. Anderson, Backwell) . These include the active process of playing videogames instead of the â€Å"passive†television viewing while higher probability of players to identify with a violent character occurs in first person shooters (Anderson and Dill). Additionally, most violent games reward violent behavior often with verbal praise such as â€Å"Nice shot†after killing enemies with a gun – as studies show, rewarding behavior increases its frequency (Bozza). 2.1 Aggressive behaviors, cognitions and feelings The primary concern over violent video games is the behavior that players will assume as a result to their
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Ethical Issues within Information Technology Essay
Ethical Issues within Information Technology - Essay Example Similarly social networking media is used to connect with friend and relatives and share the events of life (Reynolds, 2014). But if someone’s intention is wrong then he may use the shared data or pictures which is not right at all. Security is another important issue. Hackers can easily hack into any computer by using internet protocol and collect data to fulfill some selfish reasons. In case of online banking hackers can easily get information about the transfer of funds and money can be transferred to their desired account by their interruption. So security should be at high level while using information technology (Azari, 2003). Ownership is such kind of ethical issue which indicates the right of an original creator on his work. Information technology has made it easy to get access about any information at any given point of time. There are so many music and book sharing networks through which people can download those data and can use for their own purpose. In such cases the original creators of those works lose the credibility of their work. Extensive use of networks and internet, easy access to technology and advanced wireless telecommunication system gradually losing the control on the whole process and hacker are getting benefits from their mal practices (Brennan and Johnson, 2004). Sharing own data also hamper the accuracy level of the information. People use these data as an authentic source but sometimes they do not get the proper data for using in their work. According to the importance of these ethical issues, these can be ranked as the following order: Privacy, Security, Control, Ownership and Accuracy. Privacy, security and control are three most important parameters for reducing the practice of hacking (George, 2008). Computer crime, viruses, hacking, piracy, plagiarism these are very serious impact on the field of information technology. Current
W8last Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
W8last - Essay Example In this stage, the organization’s management highlights any evidence that there is an interconnection between leadership development and performance of the organization, as well as the skills and competences needed to accomplish the organization’s leadership goals (Reynolds, 2000). If leadership development does not match the organizational goals, it may not be useful for the organization. The second step is usually awareness creation concerning the characteristics that the organization is likely to achieve through the application of various tools for diagnosis. The diagnostic tools are supposed to match the organization’s leadership needs. The tools are also supposed to be connected to a particular competency model or an approved structure that corresponds to the nature of a triumphant leader in the organization. The third step is to activate the leadership development in individuals through connecting the awareness of development needs to the personal career goals with the organization’s strategic goals. The result is a concise and intended development plan that matches the individual needs as well as the organization’s strategic objectives. It provides a basis for leadership development. It is also important to empower the leaders through training and development to increase their capacity to perform in leadership roles. The leaders are then gi ven the opportunity to apply the skills acquired, which according to Sosik (2000) allows value creation in the individual’s abilities. These criteria are important since they allow an effective cost benefit analysis that allows the evaluation of the need to invest in leadership development. The organization is able to identify some tangible benefits of the leadership development programs. 2- Take your organization as the example. What leadership model is the most appropriate for your organization, and what are some of the advantages and
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Contemporary Issues In Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Contemporary Issues In Marketing - Essay Example Marketing has over the years emerged as a prime business concept and pertinent organisational function. It has been observed that marketing is a key towards attaining desired level of success for every company. With the emergence of 21st century, technology has started to play a vital role for the organisations to prepare their marketing mix related strategies and also their overall product assortment (Brown, 2001). In the 21st century, the traditional approaches related to marketing have started to depict their limitations owing to the fact that companies have quite less amount of direct contact with their existing as well as prospective customers. The aspect of information which is quite readily obtainable through the advent of internet has made consumers to become more passive as well as homogenous. Therefore, companies are increasingly finding the need to devise strategic initiatives to retain their customer base. Customer need identification has become one of the leading strategies incorporated in marketing to derive competitive advantage. Companies are also attempting to create inimitable marketing strategies to lure the customers towards their offerings which would in turn enable them establish their brand recognition in the market (Kamei, 2000). In order to comprehend the changing scenario in marketing in the 21st century, Tesco Plc has been selected.Tesco was founded back in 1919 as a m arket stall in London’s East End. From its foundation to till now the company’s business has attained tremendous growth in its global operations. Presently, the company functions in fourteen markets of Asia, North America and Europe. It employs over 500,000 people and serves 10 million customers worldwide in a single week (Tesco Plc, 2012). The company’s headquarter is located in Hertfordshire, United Kingdom. Tesco is committed to offer the best shopping experience to its diverse range of customers. Moreover, the company is determined to serve its varied customers, communities and partners in best possible way (Tesco, 2012). At present, the company is regarded as one of the largest and successful food retailers operating in the United Kingdom along with its operations in more than 2318 stores located across the world. The company sells more than 40,000 food items in its distinctly located superstores. Additionally, the company is also engaged in clothing and no n-food product activities (University of Exeter, 2004). The 21st century has witnessed drastic socio-economic changes along with information technology changes. These changes help various organisations to overcome a few of their limitations related to business operation and provided organisations with numerous opportunities to expand their business and earn substantial profit. These changes along with the globalisation and liberalisation process have drastically influenced the business doing processes including marketing. The changes brought new ideas and terms in the marketing sector such as E-Commerce and have reasonably influenced marketing ethics as well as the concept of brand and brand development have got tremendously popular among the organisations and widely distributed customers. E-Marketing Marketing is a broad concept, apart from selling and purchasing of tangible or intangible (services) goods, it comprises all those activities that are related with selling and purchasi ng of goods and services. The present marketing concept significantly varies from those of the traditional concept. The recent development in the marketing segment has given a birth to E-Marketing, relatively new term which has increased the scope of marketing and has provided business and customers a convenient way for interacting with each other. Electronic marketing or E-marketing essentially refers to utilisation of marketing techniques through electronic media, particularly
W8last Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
W8last - Essay Example In this stage, the organization’s management highlights any evidence that there is an interconnection between leadership development and performance of the organization, as well as the skills and competences needed to accomplish the organization’s leadership goals (Reynolds, 2000). If leadership development does not match the organizational goals, it may not be useful for the organization. The second step is usually awareness creation concerning the characteristics that the organization is likely to achieve through the application of various tools for diagnosis. The diagnostic tools are supposed to match the organization’s leadership needs. The tools are also supposed to be connected to a particular competency model or an approved structure that corresponds to the nature of a triumphant leader in the organization. The third step is to activate the leadership development in individuals through connecting the awareness of development needs to the personal career goals with the organization’s strategic goals. The result is a concise and intended development plan that matches the individual needs as well as the organization’s strategic objectives. It provides a basis for leadership development. It is also important to empower the leaders through training and development to increase their capacity to perform in leadership roles. The leaders are then gi ven the opportunity to apply the skills acquired, which according to Sosik (2000) allows value creation in the individual’s abilities. These criteria are important since they allow an effective cost benefit analysis that allows the evaluation of the need to invest in leadership development. The organization is able to identify some tangible benefits of the leadership development programs. 2- Take your organization as the example. What leadership model is the most appropriate for your organization, and what are some of the advantages and
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Prrple Latifolia Essay Example for Free
Prrple Latifolia Essay The benefits of the soap go far beyond its basic purpose. Lavender is a plant that has long been used for a number of medical purposes. Lavender soap is a wonderful way to wash away the day. With its soft sweet fragrance it is great for soothing the mind and body. This soap has ingredients that can help in skin, like lime of calamansi that has benefit that when rub on dry or scaly skin can restores and add moisture to the skin. Also the purpose of this project is to know the other people that it can do soap that have all in one with Insect repellant and whitening extract. B. Result With the use of our product, we will be able to make a cheap but effective soap that can alleviate the need to buy products like lotion and repellants. Chapter 1: Background of the study At the start of the school year, Our chemistry teacher, Mrs. Grace Ababat, told us to find an Innovative Investigatory project that can help the community. Our group researched and found out that all soaps, at present, doesn’t have collective effects. Soaps mostly just have a few effects, such as whitening, germ-protecting, Etc and special soaps have only one single effect. When used for cleaning, soaps allows otherwise insoluble particles to become soluble in water and then rinsed away. For example: oil/fat insoluble in water, but when a couple of drops of dish soap are added to the mixture, the oil/fat apparently disappears. The insoluble oil/fat molecules become associated inside micelles, tiny spheres formed from soap molecules with polar hydrophilic (water-loving) groups on the outsides and encasing a lipophilic (fat-loving) pocket, which shields the oil/fat molecules from the water making it soluble. Anything that is soluble will be washed away with the water. Synthetic detergents operate by similar mechanisms to soap. Soap for cleansing are obtained by treating vegetable or animal oils and fats with a strongly alkaline solution. Fats and oils are composed of triglycerides; three molecules of fatty acids are attached to a single molecule of glycerol. Soap making companies, nowadays, remove Glycerol and sells it as a ingredient to cosmetics Soaps, Insect repellant, lotions, ETC. are now getting rather expensive. If you buy all of them then the price will range from P250-350 just to get all-natural all-in-one soap that will alleviate the need for anyone to buy other products, beside soap, just to get certain effects. Objectives Our main objective, to able to do a soap product that will alleviate the need to buy expensive products like lotion and insect repellant just to get their effects. Statement of problem 1. Will the soap alleviate the need to buy products like lotions and insect repellants? 2. Will soap provide all the effects it is supposed to? Hypotheses 1. Yes it will. It will provide for the effects product like lotions and insects repellants provide. 2. Yes. It has been proven through real-world testing among the members of our group. Significance of the study Money is a luxury people just done have. When someone need something, like insect repellent, it will cost money. Our Investigatory project’s significance is that it will have the effects of other products and the effects that most soaps don’t have. With this, it will able to save money and save time. Definition of terms Lavender Latifolia- Mediterranean plant with pale purple flowers that yields spike lavender oil. Lye- A strongly alkaline solution, especially of potassium hydroxide, used for washing or cleansing. Calamansi- A sour fruit of this plant, resembling a small tangerine and sometimes used as a flavoring or for beverage, sauces or marmalades. Coconut oil- is an edible oil extracted from the kernel or meat of matured coconuts harvested from the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera). It has various applications in food, medicine and industry. Vegetable oil- A vegetable oil is a triglyceride extracted from a plant. Such oils have been part of human culture for millennia. The term â€Å"vegetable oil†can be narrowly defined as referring only to substance that are liquid at room temperature. For this reason, vegetable oils that are solid at room temperature are sometimes called vegetable fats. Hydrogenated- to treat with hydrogen-is a chemical reaction between molecular hydrogen and another compound or element, usually in the presence of a catalyst. The process is commonly employed to reduce or saturate organic compounds. Purple- Color of the Lavender latifolia Chapter 2: Introduction Lavender oil is an essential oil obtained by distillation from the flower spikes of certain species of lavender. Lavender is used for restlessness, insomnia, nervousness and depression. It is also used for variety of digestive complaints including meteorism (abdominal swelling from gas in the intestinal or peritoneal cavity), loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, intestinal gas (flatulence), and upset stomach. Some people use lavender for painful conditions including migraine headaches, toothaches, sprains, nerves pain, sores, and joint pain. It is also used for acne and cancer, and to promote menstruation. Lavender is applied to the skin for hair loss (alopecia areata) and pain, and to repel mosquitoes and other insects. Lavender oil, which has long been used in the production of perfume, can be used in aromatherapy. The scent has a calming effect which may aid in relaxation and the reduction of anxiety and stress. In our investigatory project, this is our main ingredient. Our Ingredients also include Calamansi. It has been proven that calamansi can remove odor and gradually whiten the skin. We used a little black pepper because it is a very effective insect repellant. Our Investigatory project only include all natural products so it is not harmful to animals, plants , humans and the environment. Chapter 1 Background to the study At the start of the school year, Our Chemistry teacher, Mrs. Grace Ababat, Told us to find an Innovative Investigatory project that can help the community. Our group researched and found out that all soaps, at present, doesn’t have collective effects. Soaps mostly just have a few effects, such as whitening, germ-protecting, ETC, and special soaps have only one single effect. When used for cleaning, soap allows otherwise insoluble particles to become soluble in water and then be rinsed away. For example: oil/fat is insoluble in water, but when a couple of drops of dish soap are added to the mixture, the oil/fat apparently disappears. The insoluble oil/fat molecules become associated inside micelles, tiny spheres formed from soap molecules with polar hydrophilic (water-loving) groups on the outside and encasing a lipophilic (fat-loving) pocket, which shields the oil/fat molecules from the water making it soluble. Anything that is soluble will be washed away with the water. Synthetic detergents operate by similar mechanisms to soap. Soaps for cleansing are obtained by treating vegetable or animal oils and fats with a strongly alkaline solution. Fats and oils are composed of triglycerides; three molecules of fatty acids are attached to a single molecule of glycerol. Methodology Our product, Purple Latifolia, is an all-natural all-in-one soap. It will alleviate the need to buy product like lotion and insect repellants because it will provide for the effects that those products. Our product can protect the skin from bacteria, alleviate migraine, restlessness, insomnia, nervousness, headaches, toothaches, sprains, nerve pain, sores, and joint pain, repel mosquitoes and other insects, whiten the skin, relieve insomnia, pain, and agitation , heal the skin and few other effects. Latifolia means â€Å"works best in water†so our soap’s effects can be optimized with water. Source of Data The population which constituted sample as respondents in this study consists (8) third year high school students at Sto. Rosario Montessori School, Valenzuela City, during School year 2013-2014. Data Gathering and Instruments The following instruments are needed in making a soap: *Thermometer *Cups *Soap Molds *Pan *Stir *Gas stove or any kinds or stove By using this materials you can do a presentable soap. Treatment/General Procedure Mixture of Lye and water 1. Measure the water, 4oz. The measure of the lye should be half of the measure of the water. 2. Pour the lye to the water (always this way, it might explode the other way around. Mix well till it is 100 degrees farenheit) Mixture of all ingredient to become soap 1. While doing the mixture of the lye and water, first you must set the stove to 100 fahrenheit. 2. Put the oil in the stove and wait till the oil is again 100 degrees F. 3. Mix them together (mixture of lye and water) till it has a soapy texture. 4. Put the 2oz of lavender oil, the 1oz of coconut oil and lime of calamnsi. 5. After you mix everything and reach to become it soapy texture, pour it in the soap mold and let it cure (cure period depends on the quantity) Materials needed: Lavender Oil (2oz) Coconut Oil (1oz) Vegetable Oil (6oz) Lye (2oz) Pan Gas range, gas stove or griller Water (4oz) Calamansi extract (squeeze atleast 2 calamnsi Soap molder Chapter 3: Data Analysis # of trials Quantitative Qualitative First Try 4 oz of water 1 oz of lye 6 oz of vegetable oil 7. 5 ml of lavender oil 7. 5ml of coconut oil Failed Texture: Becomes oily Smell: Blending odor of lavender oil and coconut oil Color: Light green Second Try 8 oz of vegetable oil 2g of lye 2oz of water Food coloring 1 teaspoon of black pepper Failed Texture: Not yet mold Smell: Rusty odor Color: Black Fourth Try 4 oz of water 2 oz of lye 6 oz of vegetable oil 2oz of lavender oil Success Texture: It becomes mold Smell: Lavender Color: white Last Try 4 oz of water 2 oz of lye 6 oz of vegetable oil 2oz of lavender oil 1oz of coconut oil Success Texture: It becomes hard Smell: like Lavender Color: White Result The result after the trials, the soap is improving. Even if it’s hard to do, it reached the success in doing it. Just to prove to others that it can discover a soap that has all-in-one soap that has whitening extract and insect repellant that will become effective. Finally it can promote to others. Chapter 4: Conclusion and Recommendation This is all-natural product have the capability to help the community through alleviating the need to buy and use expensive product like lotion and insect repellant because it already has their effects. It will be an affordable substitute. Based on the conclusion, the following were recommended: Always follow the extract measurements Always follow the procedure accurately The materials are always clean Be careful in handling Lye Be mindful at the temperature
Monday, October 14, 2019
Geert Hofstede vs Fons Trompenaars
Geert Hofstede vs Fons Trompenaars Introduction How do we market in different cultures? Although we have done many researches about the different cultures, marketing, which is as a discipline, has lagged behind other researches in recognizing the need for it. Before we have found the importance of marketing in different cultures, usually, the approach for marketing was too simple, and we often use the economic theory to explain facts and solve problems, however, international marketing and management is a kind of practical work, which is different from the economic research. Firstly, we always assume that tastes, preferences, and habits are transferable between different countries; secondly, it also implies that we can do the trade freely in different countries. In the end of 20th century, we began to lay more emphasis on the influence of cultural differences, and more research have been done about the cultural differences. Take wine as an example, even now wine has become a global product, it still takes the French at least ten t imes longer to chose the right vintage and grape combination than it does the Dutch, who tend to be more focused on price. If we ignore this kind of difference, wine producers cannot success in both countries. The researches about cultural differences of marketing are still a new field. The first serious book on the subject of the cultural aspects of marketing was written by Jean-Claude Usunier in 1997. In this book, he mainly compares the differences between cultural systems and refers that culture is also a factor affecting business, like other socio-political,. financial, ecological, and legal factors. However, Usunier does not resolve the dilemmas and offer practical solutions. Culture, based on our research at Trompenaars Hampden-Turner, is different from what describe in Usuniers theory, which is not simply a factor like most processes in the transactional environment. The factor of culture challenges the fundamental strategy of marketing, customer relations management, definition of product, price, advertisement and other business processes. In short, culture is all pervading. However, so far there are a few famous approaches to the whole subject of cultures and their classification and generalization, that can be employed in developing a truly transnational approach to marketing. The ones that we are going to discuss and compare further are those of Geert Hofstede and Fons Trompenaars. Geert Hofstede and Fons Trompenaars: biographies and theories Geert Hofstede He is a dutch psychologist and writer who was born in 1928. Hofstede was interested in the influence of culture on peoples behaviour. He was inspired by the Culturalism (a trend which dominated the American sociology from the 1930s to the 1950s). The culturalists qualify culture as the way of thinking, feeling and acting of a human group, which was acquired and transmitted by symbols and which represents its specific identity. (donner sources de la citation) Geert Hofstede explains the origins of the differences in behaviours, which can tend to problems. As we grow up and live in a multi-cultural world, we have to understand why people from different nations act differently. This question is very important in business when a company from a certain country has to deal with a company from another country, or even within a company which is composed by employees from different nations, we have to know how to act and communicate. Hofstede wrote several books: Cultures consequences (1984), Cultures and Organizations: Software of the mind (1992), co-authored by his son Gert Jan Hofstede. To explain and solve the problems engendered by people from different cultures living or working together, he included 5 factors of cultural differentiation: individualism/collectivism, masculinism/feminism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance and long term/short term orientation. According to Hofstede, these 5 criteria explain the disparities between the nations and the individuals. He applied his theories to all the countries in the world. Hofstede used his culture dimensions by examining work related values in employees of IBM during the 1970s. Fons Trompenaars Fons Trompenaars is a Dutch author in the field of cross-cultural communication. His books include: Seven Cultures of Capitalism (1993), Riding the Waves of Culture (1998), Building Cross-Cultural Competence (2000), 21 Leaders for the 21st Century (2001) and Innovating in a Global Crisis (2009). Trompenaars studied Economics at the Free University of Amsterdam and later earned a Ph.D. He experienced cultural differences first-hand at home, where he grew up speaking both French and Dutch, and then later at work with Shell in nine countries, where he worked for 7 years as the director of the Human resources. At this moment, he wrote The Multi-cultural company (1993) in which he explains his theories. According to him, international companies tend to standardize their management functioning because of globalisation, and impose this way of thinking to their subsidiaries. Problems in companies appear as they dont take care about the cultural differences of employees and certain ways of managing are not appropriate to certain cultures. He defines culture as the way a human group solve its problems. Taking the example of Geert Hofstede and modifying his theories, he invented with Charles Hampden-Turner the 7 dimensions of cultural differentiations: universalism/particularism, individualism/communitarianism, affective/neutral, specific/diffuse, achievement/ascription, sequential/synchronic, internal/external control. These are the 7 criteria of cultural differentiation which have an impact on the management trends. He shows how to manage complexity in a heterogeneous environment, which is a major challenge for todays international managers and corporate leaders as well as a critical component of long term success. He explains how to reconcile cultural differences, which will lead to competitive advantage. Trompenaars wrote The Seven Cultures of Capitalism in which he applies his methods to 7 countries (France, Germany, US, Japan, Netherlands, UK and Sweden). Hofstedes dimensions of culture It is often said that, deep inside, all people are the same. But they are not. Actually, everyone is very different from the others. For those who work in international business, it is sometimes very hard to adapt, because people can live in very different ways. Therefore, if you go abroad and make decisions based on how you usually operate in your own country, there are obvious chances you dont act properly. Geert Hofstedes researches permit us to understand easier other cultures, so we can be more effective when interacting with people all around the world. For example, in some coutries, à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½yesà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ means à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½I hear youà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ more than à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½I agreeà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. Stereotyping can have intense negative effects, especially when managers make fewer attempts to involve those of other cultures. Hofstede led a study on the IBM employees, in more than 50 countries. Its goal was to identify the major differences in mental programming. This worldwide analysis made him realize that there were five fundamental differences between the societies, which he called five dimensions: Low vs. High Power Distance Index (PDI) This dimension measures the degree of equality, or inequality, between people of one society ; and how much the less influent members accept the hierarchy. The institutions or organizations where less powerful members accept power is distributed unequally will have a high PDI. This is also often indicating that the governments allowed inequalities to grow within the society (ex: Malaysia). Those countries will be more likely not to allow significant upward mobility of its citizens, because they accept autocratic and paternalistic relations. A low PDI indicates the society tends to reduce the differences between citizens power and wealth. In those cultures (ex: Austria, Denmark), people expect power relations that are more democratic. They relate to others regardless of formal positions, such as if they were consulting them. Subordinates are more comfortable with contributing to and criticizing the decisions of those who are hierarchically higher. Individualism vs. Collectivism (IDV) It focuses on how much people of a society define themselves apart from their group, and on how much the country emphasizes individual or collective achievements. A High Individualism ranking indicates that people are expected to develop and to be proud of their personalities and their choices. People often tend to form a higher number of looser relationships in those societies. A Low Individualism ranking typifies societies where the individuals are more likely to act as a member of a group (ex: family, town, profession). This collectivist nature tends to develop relationships between individuals, and reinforce à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½extended familiesà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. Masculinity vs. feminity (MAS) This dimension measures the degree the society reinforces the traditional masculine work role model (as understood in most Western countries) or not. A High Masculinity ranking indicates the country gives a high importance on traditional male values (such as ambition, accumulation of wealth and power). Those societies emphasize high gender differentiation. In these cultures, males dominate a significant portion of the society, while females are under domination. In the opposite case, a low MAS will indicate that the society de-emphasizes the gender differentiation. In those countries, females are treated equally to males in all aspects of the society. The valuable things are relationships and quality of life. This strong opposition between the quantity values (masculine societies) and the quality values (feminine societies) led many users of Hofstedes work to rename this index the à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Quantity of Life vs. Quality of lifeà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. Low vs. high Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI) It focuses on the level people try to cope with stress by fighting uncertainty and ambiguous situations within the society. A high UAI indicates a rule-oriented society, where citizens prefer explicit laws, rules and controls, in order to reduce the amount of uncertainty (ex: religion, food industry). A Low Uncertainty Avoidance ranking indicates the country has less concern about ambiguity and has a greater tolerance for informal situations. This is reflected in a society that is less rule-oriented, where people value implicit or flexible guidelines. Michael Harris Bond subsequently found a fifth dimension which was originally called à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Confucian dynamismà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. Hofstede later integrated this into his dimensions of culture as : Long-Term vs. Short-Term Orientation (LTO) It focuses on the degree a society attaches importance to a future oriented perspective rather than a short-term point of view. In other words, this index describes the à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½time horizonà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ of a society (future vs. past and present). A high LTO characterizes countries where people value the behaviors that affect the future, such as perseverance, thrift and shame. (ex: Asian countries). Those societies are often superstitious or based on many truths or faiths. Cultures scoring low on this dimension believe in absolute truth. They (ex: Western countries) have a short-term orientation and a concern for immediate stability, which means they value actions that are affected by the past or the present (ex: normative statements, respect for tradition and reciprocation of favors and gifts). Those five dimensions describe tendencies and not precise characteristics of individuals. Consequently, a societys score should not be interpreted without no further reflection. Trompenaarss dimensions of culture According to Trompenaars, culture is a way a group of people act to solve problems. From three basics which are the relationship with others, time and environment, Trompenaars identifies seven fundamental dimensions of culture. His definition of culture is a mix between organizational and national cultures. He proceeded by using a database which contained more than 30000 survey results so that he could analyse the seven dimensions of culture. Universalism vs. Particularism In universalistic cultures, people share the belief that general rules, codes, values and standards are much more important than needs, claims and relations. On the contrary, in a particularistic culture, people think that human relationships are more important than rules and codes. They are not against rules, they just aim at showing that everybody can count on their friends. Rules come after human aspects. Individualism vs. Collectivism (Communitarianism) In individualistic cultures, people place the community after the individual, which is definitely the contrary in a communitarian culture. People are autonomous in the first case, they can take decisions, they can take care of them and their family on their own. In the second case, people are responsible for the good functioning of the society and are the representation of the health of a society considering his degree of involvement in the development of the society. Neutral vs. Affective Relationships People in an affective culture can show up there emotions and their feelings. They do not have to hide them and people from this type of culture sometimes interpret less explicit signals from neutral cultures. People in a neutral culture think that it is not correct to show emotions and feelings even if they have it. It is the degree of manifesting it which is limited and controlled. They might interpret signals from an affective culture as excited and too emotional. Specific vs. Diffuse Relationships People in specific cultures always start analyzing by small details, specific elements to finally put them together to have a global idea. They concentrate on facts, standards and contracts. They have a larger specific sphere than the private one (which is very difficult to enter in. On the contrary, people in diffuse cultures start analyzing the whole and then the elements, but in a perspective of the whole because all elements are linked to each other. In fact, the elements matter less than the link between them. They have a large private sphere and a small public one. Achievement vs. Ascription This cultural dimension is similar to the power distance dimension of Hofsede. In achievement cultures, people respect their colleagues basing their respect on anterior demonstration of knowledge and previous achievements. They do not look at the title of peoples job. In ascription cultures, people use their titles of job and respect their hierarchical superior. Time orientation He shows that meanings of past, present and future depend on cultures. For instance, people who have a past-oriented culture respect older people and are quite traditional whereas people who have a future-oriented culture enjoy discussing potential and future achievement. There is a second division of cultures possible thanks to time orientation which compares sequential and synchronic cultures. This dimension looks like a distribution of tasks in the time in a culture. People who have a sequential culture tend to do one activity at a time by following plans whereas people who have a synchronic culture can do many tasks and activities at a time by changing the subject at any time. Human-nature relationship: Internal vs. external control This last dimension lays the stress on the fact that cultures think that they control their environment and others think that they are controlled by it. In an internalistic culture like the United States, people believe that what happens to them is their own doing. Many Asian countries have an external culture in which the environment shapes their destiny. Because they dont believe they are in full control of their destinies, often externalistic people adapt to external circumstances. Comparison and criticism Hofstedes aim was to evaluate work values, while Trompenaars Hampden-Turners questionnaires inquired into respondents preferred behaviour in a number of both work and leisure situations. What both studies have in common is that in both questionnaires the focus is on the ultimate goal state, and that the underlying values, the underwater part of the culture iceberg, are derived from a series of questions about more outer layers of the culture onion, closer to the top of iceberg. Trompenaarss system appears focus-oriented; it speaks a lot about what is on peoples minds and what is in their sight, it speaks about the logical organization and framework of their behaviour (specific vs. diffuse, internal vs. external control, universalism vs. particularism) and relationships (individualism vs. collectivism; achievement vs. ascription; neutral vs. affective). Hofstede, on the other hand describes some of values present in people and finally affecting their behavior. The difference therefore is that Trompenaarss investigation lies on the surface of the investigation of the persons culture, showing exactly the choice and manner in which the actions are planned and handled, while Hofstede tries to go in the very deep of culture layers and lets us make our own forecasts of peoples behavior based on the knowledge of the hidden part of iceberg. Taking a closer look into the comparison between the dimensions themselves, we can notice similarities between the two theories. One of these is the closeness between the notions of collectivism vs. individualism of Hofstede and communitarianism vs. individualism of Trompenaars. For a marketer, from our point of view, there is close no difference which index to use. There is some degree of similarity in Hofstedes power distance index and achievement vs. ascription. One values the accepted degree of high class/low class lifestyle and secondary characteristics difference, while the other measures the motivation of the low class to move higher. A marketer can infer that customers are better evaluated with the high power distance index in relation of selling status-emphasizing products (like luxury brands), while Trompenaarss index is better used when selling low cost practical business tools (like cheap PDAs). We would advise to use the two indices together as they complement each other. Long-term vs. short-term orientation index of Hofstede has got something in common with the past/present/future orientation of Trompenaars. That is in the way, how i.e. short-term oriented cultures will show the same tendency to be populist, tradition-oriented as the past- and present-oriented cultures. After taking a look into evaluations of different cultures one can find that the results, obtained by the two theories are often counter logical. German corporate culture is hierarchical, as is claimed by Trompenaars in his studies. Whereas Hofstede identifies Germany as relatively low in terms of Power Distance. These differences in the approach attracted some serious criticism over the years. One of the most prominent points often criticized is Hofstede perception of culture as a static characteristic of societies and their representatives. This approach does not take into the account the cultural drift that can easily be observed as the time passes by. As a vivid example, one can take the comparison between, say, the UK of the Victorian age and the Post Second World War UK and just try to assess the Power Distance Indices. Apparently, over this period of time peoples behavior has altered enough to allow a society with a lot lower power distance, the expressions of which found their way in the art of the time as well as in the politics (Rise of the Labor Party in 1945-1951) people of lower class were have become conscious to demand equality in these dimensions with the former unapproachable higher class, the expression of wealth and power and respect to it have decreased, as well as PDI. S imilar drift patterns can now be observed today in some of the underdeveloped countries, like Mexico, where former strong collectivist communities are dissolving, as their member become more individualistic, pushed by their desire to be successful in the new highly commercialized society. The same can be said about political influence on the culture (transition from Communist to Capitalist values). In other words it is easily observable that through time cultures evolve. Therefore the estimations for indices are slowly becoming outdated. Hofstede was later pushed by this evidence to regularly update his Index database, still retorting that cultural evolution is a very slow process. However the problem that may be hard to identify is actually not the quantitative, but rather the qualitative obsolescence of the framework itself, that will sooner or later present itself. I.e. what was reasonable and precise description in the 1970s can be an incomplete, flawed and vague characterizatio n for 2010, and even more so for future. That is however just one of the many debatable things. Among the others are: Question interpretation of the surveyed, i.e. will the question really be a precise way to determine the culture, as the culture and personality may directly affect the way the question is translated and thus produce errors in the resulting evaluation. Researchers background diminishes the completeness of cultural description and offers one-sided look at the problem. This way it would be preferable for marketers to have a marketer, not a manager, to make the proper evaluations framework, which would be more suited for marketing decision making. Ignoring the ethnic group and communities presence, national culture fragmentation. Just saying that Germany has low UAC index may totally confuse the policymaker, as this does not differ between East, West and especially Turkish communities. Moreover, a study carried out only in only one company (Hofstede) cannot give an outlook on the entire cultural system of a country. The cultural dimensions in international marketing Why marketing uses the cultural dimensions? The Hofstede and Trompenaars cultural dimensions can be a useful tool for several themes, such as within the organization and the structure of a company or when trading with other countries. In fact, for those who works in an international business is essential to know the differences between countries and cultures. And moreover, cultural dimensions are also a helpful instrument for marketing purposes due to the fact that they facilitate the design of an optimum strategy. Each society has developed through the history a different culture where it is extremely important to take into account the different ways of communication and the usage and the meaning of the language. Actually, the markets can be segmented by cultural dimensions; consequently we can develop a marketing plan to exploit the common elements of these segments. Thus, we can affirm that in the international marketing, the success or failure of a campaign depends on the prior analysis of the environment. The cultural analysis can also provide various guides to develop the marketing strategy, in fact, when a company is entering in a new market, in a foreign market, it is necessary to study the population and the society, the history and the culture. There is some data that we can obtain by public sources of information, and other data that has to be collected by the company itself. Concerning the culture and the habits of the society in a certain country, we can use the cultural dimensions theory developed by the two professors as a guideline, but it is also necessary to make a specific study, for the reason that every product is different and it is important to analyze which is the greatest manner to promote a new product in a foreign country regarding the different cultural dimensions. How to apply the cultural dimensions in a marketing context? For instance, we know, thanks to the theory elaborated by Geert Hofstede, that United States has low power distance, in marketing terms that should be translated in commercials and promotions where the communication must be informal and friendly. In countries where the situation is totally different, the message for a new product must communicate that the product is well accepted in the society. These assumptions are the starting point, a part from them, the company will have to analyze the culture of the specific country itself taking into account the new product to be launched and thus create a commercial and a campaign with great results in that market. However, a company has two options: to adapt the marketing strategy to each culture by using the cultural dimensions or to try to change the culture. For example: in Japan, people is used to subtle publicity campaigns, nevertheless , when Procter Gamble started to sell its products there, the company launched a very aggressive campaign that first shake all the Japanese society, but later it was copied by other Japanese companies. Procter Gamble changed part of the culture. Contribution of culture in international marketing In our fast moving world, local markets are not big enough for companies willing to have more profits. The future of each company that wants to be more important than its competitors is to go internationally. Selling a product wont be the more complicated things that companies will have to face while going internationally but the cultural adaptation will be the hardest thing. There are different kinds of adaptation, the product adaptation, the administrative and law adaptation and the cultural adaptation that means the situations where you meet a client or you create a subsidiary elsewhere. The five dimensions, which are (cf 1, 4 in bibliography) PDI, IDV, MAS, UAI and LTO come from an analysis done by Geert Hofstede while working at IBM and trying to understand the employees attitudes at IBM worldwide. Actually, it is important to know that the 5 cultural dimensions of GH help individuals and companies to understand, analyse and compare the culture of different countries. With the GH analysis, we are trying to define the culture. One of the goals of GH is to help to take into consideration the differences in the way of thinking, to react and act between the different people in the world. According to GH each country generates its own management system. Example with Accenture Bands: For Luxembourg, United-Kingdom, France. * With the Fons Trompenaars analysis (cf. 3 in biblio.), we are seeing that even if each culture owns its main features, it remains a cultural identity toward each individual, as for each company, which allows to adapt into every context. By completing itselves, these different cultural orientations (for instance in the relationship with the group, with the individual, with the environment or even with the time), are no more impediments for the common work (within different groups) but become on the other hand the best key factors to carry out successfully. FT helps more the companies to develop and create their own intercultural management. Each company has indeed its own management style or cultural organizational structure. The use of both theories The Use of Fons Trompenaars theory In Fons Trompenaars theory, there are two kinds of people, which is universalism and particularism. Americans, Canadians, Australian all belong to the first group, and Chinese, Korean and other Asian all belong to the second group. Take ERP as an example, the first group will accept the ERP system as the best way to conduct the project, and members of the second group will think that they are different from each other, so when ERP works in China, it is most important for the managers to deal with average workers, if not so, the whole system may fail at last. And the theory is also applicable in the field of education, for example, English education in Chinese schools and other western countries is different since the different culture and language system. It is the same with other fields, like business, communication, the cultural differences are more and more important. The use of Geert Hofstede theory According to Geert Hofstede theory, there are different ways of management because of different cultures, for example, American cooperation always pay more attention to the individuals, and the third world countries is the opposite, so if an American firms operating abroad, it must consider the this kind of cultural differences, taking the employees into consideration and emphasize the loyalty, which can help to get success. The structure of organization is also influenced by the cultural differences, for example, Germans always avoid the risk, so rules and regulations seems to be more important, however, in America, people prefer to taking risk, so people enjoy more freedom. According to the theory, Hofstede also shows that if the manager ignore the cultural differences, there will be something wrong with the communication, morale and have a negative effect on the final result in the end. Conclusion As described in this paper, there are several approaches to the classification of the cultures of different nations. The ones that were observed closely here are Geert Hofstedes and Fons Trompenaarss classifications, so-called cultural dimensions. These, as shown have a number of things in common and many differences as well. Thus, a marketer has to make a decision, which part of which study is to be used to develop a successful strategy. However there is little doubt that some way of adapting the strategy to the local culture is to be used. We may live in a globalized enviroment, however, so far there is no mundial culture and different clusters of people, whether they are separated geographically, historically or socially; some may choose one product instead of the other because of their culture and values. All of that is to be taken into consideration. And there are so far not many standartised approaches to the culture evaluations, other than Hofstedes and Trompenaarss, which eco nomise time and enable the creation of a consolidated strategy in approach to culture. It is not surprising that some of the companies nowadays are already fully involved in applying these methods in their decision making, and the amount of them will inevitably grow as the studies of the theories are being held in many Universities and Business Schools, from wich the future excecutives will come. However one has to rememember, that both these method are quite controversial and obviously imperfect, therefore we should learn learn to use the questionnaires and the databases responsibly. Only in this way can they provide precise, trustworhy and calculated assistance to people learning to work effectively in other countries. Bibliography/Information Sources/Webography Books and articles Hofstede, Geert. Cultures Consequences, Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations across Nations; Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications 2001. Geert Hofstede, Cultures and Organizations, Software of the mind, 1992. The multicultural company, Fons Trompenaars, 1993, Paris, Maxima. Global marketing and advertising. Understanding cultural paradoxes; Marieke Mooij; edition of 2009 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½The Use and Misuse of Questionnaires in Intercultural Trainingà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ article by John W. Bing à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Hofstede Culturally questionable?à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ article by M. L. Jones, 2007 Oxford Business Economics Conference à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Intercultural/Cross-Cultural Training: Rejecting Hofstede and Trompenaarsà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½- arti
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