Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Safety of Women Essay Example for Free
Wellbeing of Women Essay It is critical that post trial supervisors build up a commonality with the necessities and wellbeing worries of ladies who are mishandled, and become mindful of the dangers ladies face while waiting on the post trial process oversight. For instance, an abuser may utilize the probation condition as another approach to manhandle her by taking steps to dishonestly assert a probation infringement to her post trial supervisor, or by compelling her to submit an unlawful demonstration and afterward detailing it (Crager et al., 2003). At the point when a post trial agent discovers that a lady probationer is manhandled, the official ought to apply similar standards for working with ladies who are not probationers (NYS PDVIP, 2005). In the event that a lady who is mishandled has not had contact with abusive behavior at home projects, post trial agents can assume a key job in giving data and referrals to aggressive behavior at home administrations. A post trial supervisor might be the principal individual that has ever said to her: You dont have the right to be mishandled. Its not your shortcoming, and theres nothing you have done to cause the maltreatment. Post trial supervisors have a duty to promise ladies that they are not the only one with their encounters: Im worried about you, and when you are prepared, help is accessible. At the point when post trial supervisors give referrals, it is vital to comprehend that her possible hesitance or reluctance to take hotline/advocate contact data might be identified with a worry for her own security. Her abuser might be hanging tight for her in the parking garage, experience her handbag or pockets, and utilize that abusive behavior at home program contact number as moti vation to proceed or potentially raise his maltreatment (NYSCADV, 2004b). It is additionally significant for post trial supervisors to submit their general direction to ladies who are manhandled concerning what their abusers activities mean. For instance, an abuser may have offered expressions to show that a womans hazard is high (for example The following blossoms youll get will be the point at which you are in the ground). Post trial agents can likewise help ladies in recognizing and understanding perilous and possibly illicit following practices including undesirable calls, letters, endowments, blossoms, email, texts, or faxes. A stalker may likewise follow her or appear at places she frequents (home, work, school, and so forth.), make verbal, composed, or inferred dangers coordinated at her, her companions or family, or vandalize her property. Increasingly outrageous demonstrations of following may likewise incorporate attacks or different demonstrations of savagery, including rape, coordinated at her, a close relative, or somebody she knows (NYSCADV, 2004b). Post trial agents bolster the wellbeing of ladies by giving referrals to household violenceprograms to help with finishing a security plan. On the off chance that a lady decides not to contact an abusive behavior at home promoter, post trial agents can assist her with looking into her dangers and make a fundamental wellbeing plan (See Appendix B for contemplations for building up a primer security plan), including getting some information about weapons accessible to the wrongdoer, just as his entrance to the youngsters (NYSCADV, 2004b). Despite the degree of offense or conviction, post trial agents should cease from limiting the abusers potential to dispense genuine physical injury. All aggressive behavior at home cases ought to be considered as possible crimes, especially during detachment or after a lady who is manhandled ends the relationship (NYS PDVIP, 2005). Post trial agents are likewise getting mindful of the potential for arrangement with abusers who are not under management . These abusers may endeavor to turn into a partner of post trial agents so as to keep up force and power over the lady who is mishandled. To counter these endeavors at compulsion, probation is progressively directing Pre-Sentence Investigations (PSIs) in all abusive behavior at home cases. In the event that there are deficient assets to do this in all cases, PSIs ought to be led on any situation where the litigant may have a background marked by exploitation by the supposed casualty in the introducing case. The PSI ought to incorporate explicit inquiries regarding the historical backdrop of exploitation and force and control elements in the relationship (NYS PDVIP, 2005) (See Appendix C for a rundown of general rules for post trial agents who administer ladies who are mishandled). Extra techniques for administering ladies who are manhandled incorporate the accompanying: 1. Know and follow the departmental privacy strategy in regards to utilization of data about the lady who is manhandled, including her contact data. Advise the lady who is mishandled of the approach from the start contact, and again as vital all through the oversight procedure. It is significant for her to comprehend what will occur with any data she may give to her post trial supervisor (e.g., Will it be written for her situation document? Will a manager see it? Will it be submitted to the appointed authority in a report? Will her abuser or his lawyer approach it?) 2. Make a sheltered domain for ladies who are mishandled to uncover their encounters of misuse in the event that they pick. Consider showing aggressive behavior at home banners in the probation office and have nearby abusive behavior at home program handouts and flyers accessible as a noticeable method to show that the official and the division take residential violenceseriously. 3. Clarify the details of the Orders and Conditions of Probation, the job of a post trial agent, and any extra pertinent organization approaches. Completely clarify the results of infringement of the Orders and Conditions of Probation, and other probationer commitments. 4. Guarantee the lady who is mishandled that she isn't liable for her abusers conduct. The decision to mishandle rests just with the abuser. 5. Try not to utilize her abuser as a guarantee contact. This may inadvertently strengthen and approve his capacity and command over her and acquaint problematic data with her case. 6. It is fundamental to comprehend that the choices ladies make might be founded on basic endurance systems. Ladies who are manhandled are continually assessing their dangers, and from everyday their needs and security concerns may change. 7. Ask the lady who is manhandled to distinguish how to get in touch with her such that bolsters her wellbeing. Try not to start contact with the lady who is mishan dled while her abuser is available. 8. Guarantee that the lady who is mishandled has contact data for the nearby aggressive behavior at home program. Help her in distinguishing her security concerns. 9. Talk about security issues for the post trial agent and the lady who is mishandled that may affect home contacts, hands on work, or guarantee contacts (e.g., if the abuser lives with the lady who is manhandled, plan a home contact with her when the abuser isn't at home). 10. Address different requirements of ladies who are manhandled including work, childcare, lodging issues, substance misuse treatment, and so forth 11. Try not to guarantee the lady who is manhandled anything you will most likely be unable to convey. Try not to guarantee her of her security (NYSCADV, 2003; NYS PDVIP, 2004) (See Appendix D for an agenda for probation contact with survivors of aggressive behavior at home). Cooperation with Domestic Violence Advocates and Referrals to Domestic Violence Programs. Post trial supervisors are building solid joint efforts with abusive behavior at home promoters. Subsequently, they have a more noteworthy cognizance of the risks that ladies face, and a more extensive comprehension of decisions ladies make which are grounded in basic endurance systems. The job of supporters, which are utilized by customary abusive behavior at home projects (situated in, or connected with, not-for-benefit, non-administrative offices), is characterized by the requirements what's more, wants of ladies who are mishandled. The larger objectives of backers are to help and reinforce womens privacy and choices, and furnish them with data. The loyalty of promoters lies exclusively with ladies who are manhandled, which is unmistakable from casualty witness contacts (additionally at times alluded to as supporters) that might be utilized by lead prosecutors workplaces, law implementation offices, and other framework based projects. Truth be told, backers might be called upon to speak to the interests of ladies who are mishandled to different people or potentially organizations. Supporters and abusive behavior at home projects are a significant asset for post trial supervisors and divisions and the other way around, and this reliant relationship ought to be empowered, fortified, and formalized as an important piece of an organized network reaction to abusive behavior at home. Supporter probation coordinated efforts can reinforce cases and fundamentally bolster s ecurity of ladies from multiple points of view. Supporters can help with clarifying the probation procedure, help ladies who are manhandled comprehend what post trial supervisors and divisions do, and audit probation records and administrative work with ladies who are mishandled. Furthermore, backers can help get ready ladies who are mishandled for gatherings with probation, and might have the option to go to gatherings to offer extra help (NYS PDVIP, 2004, NYS PDVIP, 2005)[3]. Post trial agents can limit the possibly risky repercussions of unintended results of oversight rehearses, by creating and keeping up coordinated efforts with advocates in regards to wellbeing issues. In this way, intercessions actualized by post trial agents can concentrate on helping ladies who are mishandled investigate and assess accessible alternatives, settle on educated choices, structure starter security designs that reflect womens necessities and objectives, and encourage willful association in aggressive behavior at home administrations (State of New York, 1998). At each chance, post trial agents should make accessible hotline numbers, contact data, and depictions of locally accessible aggressive behavior at home projects and administrations to ladies who are mishandled. In any case, looking for help from an abusive behavior at home program, getting a request for assurance, or choosing to leave an abuser possibly sounds good to a lady when, on balance, it lessens the genera l dangers that she and her kids face. Casualty security ought to stay central when there might be contending interests or an apparent advantage of a program, strategy, convention, or method. Accomplishing this
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A person I would like to become
Everyone goes about existence being whatever he is or doing whatever he should be, however in the innermost self, everybody has a yearning †an aching to be another person other than acting naturally. ‘What would you like to be’ is a regularly posed inquiry. If I somehow happened to be asked whom I need to be, in any event for as brief a period as one day, my answer would be Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa’s life is the thing that I would call an ideal life. To leave one’s own nation and individuals and go to an absolutely outsider province at a young age to serve the oppressed individuals requires huge quality and confidence. Mother Teresa was an encapsulation of immaculateness, love, and magnanimity. Mother Teresa, as everybody knows, needed to persevere through a great deal of tribulations since she began from totally nothing.â Yet her affection and empathy for poor people and dismissed made her adhere to her errand. It's not possible for anyone to envision the quality and assurance housed in the delicate body. She was an honored soul with a dream, and it was her confidence in God and humankind that propped her up ahead with her respectable undertaking. It is a shelter to try and know her. Thus, on the off chance that there is one individual who I would need to be, at that point undoubtedly, it would be Mother Teresa. Indeed, even at the pinnacle of her fame, Mother Teresa was basic and modest.â That an individual can in any case be so basic amidst all the prominence puzzles me. Her life had a purpose.â Mother Teresa has made the lives of endless individuals worth living.â Known additionally as â€Å"Saint of the Gutters,†Mother Teresa began a request for nuns, the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta and the quality developed from 12 sisters to more than 3000 in only 50 years. To see God in the entirety of His creation, particularly poor people, the oppressed, the ignored, is something uncommon, and it is this irregularity in her which motivated me even more, and I would grasp any chance to be Mother Teresa, at any rate for a briefâ period. Reference The Mother Teresa of Calcutta Memorial page, [Electronic Version] Retrieved on June 4, 2005, from http://www.catholic.net            Â
Monday, August 3, 2020
Grow Your Influencer Outreach with a Simple PR Funnel - Focus
Grow Your Influencer Outreach with a Simple PR Funnel - Focus Influencer outreach is all about building positive, long-term relationships with bloggers and journalists. Long gone are the days of sending out a ‘Dear nameless’ email to the world and beyond, expecting your press release to lead to something. Building up contacts and working on outreach takes time. But once you’ve gone to all that effort to gather direct email addresses, topic interests and submission instructions, you need to make sure that your contact details are secure and well-organized. So here’s where an influencer outreach funnel comes in. Using a MeisterTask project board you can visually display all of your contacts in one place, then organize, filter and tag contacts depending on their interests, accessibility and relationship with your company. So without further ado, heres some insight into how we organize our contacts and influencer outreach at MeisterLabs. Setting Up The Funnel Once we’ve created a new project on MeisterTask and named it (creatively) PR Funnel, we start setting up the different sections, categorizing our contacts by our existing relationship with them. The sections in our PR Funnel include: Potential lead = someone who’s written about topics related to our tools previously In contact = we’re currently communicating with them about an article Due to write = they already have an article about us in progress Wrote about us = unsurprisingly, theyve written about us previously Ambassador / friend = theyre an advocate for the tool and write about us without us asking them to General news / tips / submissions = details for submissions to columns, blogs, OpEds etc. Turning Your Contacts Into Tasks The next step is to start filling out your funnel so we can use it for influencer outreach. We begin by adding new contacts to the ‘potential lead’ section unless we’ve already gotten in touch with them. We then add all of the relevant details to each contact, as a reminder to ourselves and to make sure that the rest of our team are on the same page. These details include: Task Title = contact name and publication if appropriate Notes = email address, short author bio including details of what they like to write about, information on how to pitch and relevant links e.g. where they’ve previously mentioned us Tag = tags can be used to filter contacts by topic (e.g. education, productivity, startups), language spoken (EN, DE) and product which they are or could be interested in (if you have multiple products) Assignee = potential leads can be unassigned but if a specific team member is already in touch, make sure to assign the task to them so that other members of your team won’t cross wires Checklist = use a predefined checklist to ensure you follow the necessary steps to build a relationship with the person (more on this checklist later) or pitch an article. You can easily move contacts between the sections as your relationship with them changes. For example, if a potential lead writes an article about you, you would move them into the have written section. Or if the lead mentions you a few more times in their articles, praising your product and stating that they use it regularly, perhaps its time to move them into the Ambassador section. Grow Your Influencer Outreach It goes without saying that it’s always great to reach out to new contacts and build new relationships with journalists and bloggers. In order to reach out to new contacts, we use our potential lead and general submission sections. There are many ways to find potential leads. One way is by reading articles about other companies in the same sector, or posts on similar topics to our product area and/or content focus. We then have a look at who wrote the article to see if the author could be interested in writing a piece about our company or product as well. At MeisterLabs we have five steps that we follow when doing influencer outreach, so we include these as a predefined checklist within each contact task. You can set this up in your project settings. Our checklist includes: Following on Twitter Favoriting and retweeting 3 of their tweets Commenting on 2 of their articles Reaching out via email Following up via email if we don’t receive a response. We also tag our contacts by which of our products, if either, they’ve previously written about, so we’re able to reach out about our second product too, asking if they’d like to try it. Offer exclusives! We’ve created a Top 10 tag in our funnel to categorize the contacts we gain best coverage with. This means that when we have a large story to pitch, we’re able to filter by the Top 10 tag and target these contacts, or perhaps just one contact in order to offer an exclusive. In our experience, this sort of targeted influencer outreach works a lot better than sending out blind emails and potentially ending up in someones junk folder. So there’s a bit of insight into how we conduct infuencer outreach here at MeisterLabs with a PR funnel to organize our contacts and plan our future outreach, using MeisterTask. As always, feel free to ask questions and let us know how you get on in the comments below. Get started on your own outreach funnel Sign-up for MeisterTask Try it free! Sign-up for MeisterTask Grow Your Influencer Outreach with a Simple PR Funnel - Focus Influencer outreach is all about building positive, long-term relationships with bloggers and journalists. Long gone are the days of sending out a ‘Dear nameless’ email to the world and beyond, expecting your press release to lead to something. Building up contacts and working on outreach takes time. But once you’ve gone to all that effort to gather direct email addresses, topic interests and submission instructions, you need to make sure that your contact details are secure and well-organized. So here’s where an influencer outreach funnel comes in. Using a MeisterTask project board you can visually display all of your contacts in one place, then organize, filter and tag contacts depending on their interests, accessibility and relationship with your company. So without further ado, heres some insight into how we organize our contacts and influencer outreach at MeisterLabs. Setting Up The Funnel Once we’ve created a new project on MeisterTask and named it (creatively) PR Funnel, we start setting up the different sections, categorizing our contacts by our existing relationship with them. The sections in our PR Funnel include: Potential lead = someone who’s written about topics related to our tools previously In contact = we’re currently communicating with them about an article Due to write = they already have an article about us in progress Wrote about us = unsurprisingly, theyve written about us previously Ambassador / friend = theyre an advocate for the tool and write about us without us asking them to General news / tips / submissions = details for submissions to columns, blogs, OpEds etc. Turning Your Contacts Into Tasks The next step is to start filling out your funnel so we can use it for influencer outreach. We begin by adding new contacts to the ‘potential lead’ section unless we’ve already gotten in touch with them. We then add all of the relevant details to each contact, as a reminder to ourselves and to make sure that the rest of our team are on the same page. These details include: Task Title = contact name and publication if appropriate Notes = email address, short author bio including details of what they like to write about, information on how to pitch and relevant links e.g. where they’ve previously mentioned us Tag = tags can be used to filter contacts by topic (e.g. education, productivity, startups), language spoken (EN, DE) and product which they are or could be interested in (if you have multiple products) Assignee = potential leads can be unassigned but if a specific team member is already in touch, make sure to assign the task to them so that other members of your team won’t cross wires Checklist = use a predefined checklist to ensure you follow the necessary steps to build a relationship with the person (more on this checklist later) or pitch an article. You can easily move contacts between the sections as your relationship with them changes. For example, if a potential lead writes an article about you, you would move them into the have written section. Or if the lead mentions you a few more times in their articles, praising your product and stating that they use it regularly, perhaps its time to move them into the Ambassador section. Grow Your Influencer Outreach It goes without saying that it’s always great to reach out to new contacts and build new relationships with journalists and bloggers. In order to reach out to new contacts, we use our potential lead and general submission sections. There are many ways to find potential leads. One way is by reading articles about other companies in the same sector, or posts on similar topics to our product area and/or content focus. We then have a look at who wrote the article to see if the author could be interested in writing a piece about our company or product as well. At MeisterLabs we have five steps that we follow when doing influencer outreach, so we include these as a predefined checklist within each contact task. You can set this up in your project settings. Our checklist includes: Following on Twitter Favoriting and retweeting 3 of their tweets Commenting on 2 of their articles Reaching out via email Following up via email if we don’t receive a response. We also tag our contacts by which of our products, if either, they’ve previously written about, so we’re able to reach out about our second product too, asking if they’d like to try it. Offer exclusives! We’ve created a Top 10 tag in our funnel to categorize the contacts we gain best coverage with. This means that when we have a large story to pitch, we’re able to filter by the Top 10 tag and target these contacts, or perhaps just one contact in order to offer an exclusive. In our experience, this sort of targeted influencer outreach works a lot better than sending out blind emails and potentially ending up in someones junk folder. So there’s a bit of insight into how we conduct infuencer outreach here at MeisterLabs with a PR funnel to organize our contacts and plan our future outreach, using MeisterTask. As always, feel free to ask questions and let us know how you get on in the comments below. Get started on your own outreach funnel Sign-up for MeisterTask Try it free! Sign-up for MeisterTask
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