Saturday, November 30, 2019
Punishment in America Essay Example
Punishment in America Paper The corrections system in the United States is known for having the highest incarceration rate than any other country and some people believe our punishments are either too harsh or too lenient. In my opinion I believe it depends on the type of crime correlating with the punishment. Not necessarily all of our punishments for crimes are too lenient or too harsh, I would say it relies on the type of crime committed and even specifically the technicalities of the crime. There will always be room for improvement for our sentencing and punishments for crimes, but our penal ode and our laws are written quite well, its all about how you depict the law and what a Judge decides on as far as the punishment goes. Of course there are many factors that go along with sentencing and punishment, but as a whole, with everything considered, punishment in America seems fair for the most part. Three main crimes related to these punishments are white collar crimes, drug crimes along with more serious crimes that result in the death penalty. Many people in America and some states look at white collar crimes as if they are not nearly as important as violent crimes. Although white collar crimes usually havent effected anyone physically, they still have the capability of damaging businesses along with peoples lives, whether it be financially or Just their life as a whole. White collar crime is a sticky subject because there are even cases that I believe were treated too leniently or some that I thought had a fair punishment correlating with the crime. We will write a custom essay sample on Punishment in America specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Punishment in America specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Punishment in America specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer One great example of a white collar crime that I believe had a lenient punishment is the case of Chalana McFarland. McFarland was a real estate attorney who was accused of committing acts of fraud, identity theft, mortgage cams, money laundering and other equally devastating crimes. McFarland left lenders with $20 million in defaulted loans by using inflated property values and real estate flipping deals. She was sentenced to 30 years in prison and ordered to pay $12 million in restitution for her crimes. (Amanda Haury, Sentences For White-Collar Criminals, Investopedia, 5/12/2012). A crime like this one most likely leaves the families involved devastated financially and can tear a family apart. Events like these cannot be fixed simply, even with restitution. I personally would see to it that McFarland receive a heavier punishment for her actions. On the other hand, the case of Thomas Petters is one I feel was treated fairly well and the punishment went along with the crime. Petters was a business mogul who was accused and convicted of money laundering and fraud in a Ponzi scheme that cost investors over $3. billion of their hard-earned money. Petters was sentenced to a 50-year prison term, although the prosecutors recommended a sentence of 335 years. (Amanda Haury, Sentences For White-Collar Criminals, Investopedia, 5/12/2012). If we Petters were to be rosecuted under the full extent of the law he wouldVe faced a life term in prison, which would have been a waste of our tax money along with putting one more person into our already overcrowded correction system . Our next charge related punishment deals vastly with drug charges and how they are being implemented. Statistically incarcerating thousands of nonviolent drug offenders throughout the past few years has cost our states a massive amount of money that could be used elsewhere in the corrections system. (Margaret Dooley- Sammuli, Drug Penalties, California, Drug Policy Alliance, 12/16/2011). For crimes such as having any kind of illegal narcotic on your person, other than marijuana, its automatically a felony offense with the incarceration period of three months. If we dropped the offense from a felony to a misdemeanor, it would save the state a great sum of money and resources. Going along with that instead of incarcerating perpetrators for a minor drug possession charge, we should implement other state programs such as probation. This frees up our correction system along with our judicial system as well. My argument is that the punishment for these minor drug harges are too extensive and harsh. With the proposal of dropping minor drug charges from a felony to a misdemeanor, this would resolve the problem with the punishment related to this crime. The United States remains in the minority of nations in the world that still uses the death penalty for certain crimes. I along with many people in America today still believe that the death penalty is very important in that we use it as a tool in fghting violent pre-meditated murder. One big downside to the death penalty is the possibility that innocent men and women will be put to death. Also financial cost to tax payers of capital punishment is several times that of housing the perpetrator in prison. The punishment relating to this crime is quite fair, although I believe there are many cases in that a person has committed murder but has not received the death penalty for their actions. Of the 22,000 homicides committed every year approximately 1 50 people are sentenced to death (Death Penalty Facts, California, Death Penalty Focus, 3/31/2009). The only real problem I still see relevant to the punishment regarding any crimes that lead to the death penalty, is that there are still nnocent people being put to death and obviously once this is done there is no reversing this action. Generally speaking I would say the death penalty as a punishment is fair and that we are being too lenient in that people who should receive the death penalty are given a life sentence in prison as an alternative. Overall the three main crimes, white collar crimes, drug crimes along with more serious crimes that result in the death penalty all carry punishments that are supposed to correlate with the crime, with the intention of finding grounds between eing too harsh or too lenient. As weve found white collar crimes usually have fair punishments but can be lenient at times Just because they arent violent crimes and although they arent violent crimes they can still have a devastating effect on peoples lives. Drug crimes are deemed to be too harsh as far as punishment goes. If you are charged with a minor drug possession charge, it should simply be a misdemeanor rather than a felony which would equate to harsher punishment and longer sentences. The death penalty is a punishment which isnt implemented enough, but n the other hand if it is implemented it can have negative effects as in executing an innocent person. Death penalty as a whole seems to be too lenient and doesnt have the effect that it should with our communities. In the end the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world and nas many punishments that are considered to many as, too lenient or too harsh, but none the less I feel punishment in America is fair regarding most crimes. I feel there will always be room for improvement and speculation for how our punishments are implemented, but as a ountry, punishment is implemented correctly and fairly overall. Works Cited http://www. investopedia. com/financial-edge/0512/sentences-for-white-collar criminals-too-harsh-or-too-lenient. aspx (Amanda Haury, Sentences For White-Collar Criminals, Investopedia, 5/12/2012) http:// www. californiaprogressreport. com/site/drug-penalties-too-harsh anyone (Margaret Dooley-Sammuli, Drug Penalties, California, Drug Policy Alliance, 12/16/2011) http://www. deathpenalty. org/section. php? id=13 (Death Penalty Facts, California, Death Penalty Focus, 3/31/2009)
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Saturn Essays - Planetary Science, Rings Of Saturn, Saturn
Saturn Essays - Planetary Science, Rings Of Saturn, Saturn Saturn Saturn is the second largest planet and sixth from the sun. Saturn is most known for its rings, first seen in 1610 by Italian scientist Galileo and identified as rings by Dutch astronomer Christian Huygens in 1655. The rings consist greater than 100,000 single ringlets. It is the most oblate planet because of the rapid rotation of the planet, which flattens Saturn at the poles by about 10%. Its composition is mostly composed of hydrogen and helium. It is mostly liquid, with a small rocky core expected, but not directly observe. At the center, heavy elements have probably settled into the small rocky core with a temperature close to 15,000 C (27,000 F). Saturn also has an international heat source (it radiates more energy than it receives). The gravitational pull causes it to emit three times as much heat as it receives from the sun. Saturns atmosphere is 88% hydrogen and 11% helium, with traces of other gasses. The body of Saturn rotates with a period of 10 hours 39 minutes 25 seconds. The ring system of Saturn is divided into 5 major components: the G, F, A, B, and C rings, listed from the outside to inside (but in reality, these major divisions are subdivided into thousands of individual ringlets). The F and G rings are thin and difficult to see, while the A, B, and C rings are broad and easily visible. The large gap between the A ring and the B ring is called the Cassaini division. The visible rings of Saturn stretch out to a distance of 136,200-km (84,650 miles) from Saturns center, but in many regions they may be only 5 meters thick. They contain rocks, frozen gases, and water ice in lumps. One of the rings is even dense enough to block sunlight. Saturns current number of known satellites is 19. These range in size from Titan, the second largest moon in the Solar System, to small asteroid like objects. The moons are Atlas, Calypso, Dione, Enceladus, Epimetheus, Helene, Hyperion, Iapetus, Janus, Mimas, Pan, Pandora, Phoebe, Prometheus, Rhea, Telesto, Tethys, and Titan. There are extemely high velocity winds in the atmosphere of Saturn have been measured to be as high as 1800 km/hr.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Drought Causes, Types, and Resources
Drought Causes, Types, and Resources Its been a while since youve seen a chance of rain in your forecast... could your city be in danger of a drought? Youll be glad to know that although a lack of rain or snow over a period of several days, or even a week, is unusual, it doesnt necessarily mean youre headed for a drought. Droughts are periods (typically several weeks or longer) of abnormally dry and precipitation-less weather. How dry depends on the amount of precipitation thats normal for a locations climate. A common misconception of droughts is that theyre brought on by periods of no rain or snow. While this certainly can initiate drought conditions, oftentimes the onset of a drought is less noticeable. If youre seeing rain or snow, but are seeing it in lighter amounts a drizzle here and flurries there, rather than steady rain or snow showers this can also signal a drought in-the-making. Of course, you wont be able to determine this as a cause for weeks, months, or even years into the future. Thats because, unlike other forms of severe weather and natural disasters, droughts develop slowly from a build-up of small changes in precipitation patterns, rather than from one single event. Atmospheric conditions such as climate change, ocean temperatures, changes in the jet stream, and changes in the local landscape are all culprits in the long story of the causes of droughts. How Droughts Hurt Droughts are some of the most costly economic stressors. Frequently, droughts are billion dollar weather events and are one of the top three threats to population in the world (along with famine and flooding). There are three main ways droughts impact lives and communities: Farmers are often the first to feel the stresses from drought, and feel them hardest. The economic impacts of drought include losses in the timber, agricultural, and fisheries communities. Many of these losses are then passed on to consumers in the form of higher food prices. In less developed countries, once crops fail, famine can become a major problem. Social impacts include increased chance of conflict over commodities, fertile land, and water resources. Other social impacts include abandonment of cultural traditions, loss of homelands, changes in lifestyle, and increased chance of health risks due to poverty and hygiene issues.The environmental impacts of drought include loss in species biodiversity, migration changes, reduced air quality, and increased soil erosion. Types of Droughts While droughts can be defined in many ways, three main drought types are commonly discussed: Hydrological Drought. Many watersheds experience depleted amounts of available water. Lack of water in river systems and reservoirs can impact hydroelectric power companies, farmers, wildlife, and communities. Meteorological Drought. A lack of precipitation is the most common definition of drought and is usually the type of drought referred to in news reports and the media. Most locations around the world have their own meteorological definition of drought based on the climate normals in the area. A normally rainy area that gets less rain than usual can be considered in a drought. Agricultural Drought. When soil moisture becomes a problem, the agricultural industry is in trouble with drought. Shortages in precipitation, changes in evapo-transpiration, and reduced ground water levels can create stress and problems for crops.​ US Droughts While droughts dont often cause deaths in the United States, the Dust Bowl in the U.S. Midwest is one example of the devastation that can occur. Other parts of the world experience long periods without rains as well. Even during monsoon season, areas (such as Africa and India) that depend on seasonal rains will often experience drought if the monsoon rains fail. Preventing, Predicting, and Preparing for Droughts Want to know how drought is affecting your neighborhood right now? Be sure to monitor these drought resources links: The US Drought Portal - See how drought impacts your community.The National Drought Mitigation Center - Great details on the difficulties and successes of predicting droughts are available at the NDMC. US Seasonal Drought Outlooks - The National Weather Service provides predictions of the chances of drought across the United States. Updated by Tiffany Means
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Woven Textile Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Woven Textile Design - Essay Example Tappets are used for simple weaves in which the number of shafts is limited. Dobby systems involve the use of a pattern chain to control the lifting of the shafts. They are the most commonly used for wool. Jacquard systems control the lifting of each individual end to create almost unlimited patterning possibilities. (Wool Web, 2007) In the simplest type of tappet shedding motion, the shedding cams are mounted on the bottom shaft, and the motion is suitable only for weaves repeating on two picks. By mounting the tappets on a counter shaft driven by gearing from the bottom shaft at the appropriate speed, the repeat can be extended up to eight or ten picks. Bobbies are much more versatile and usually control at least sixteen, and sometimes as many as 36, head shafts. Since the lifting of the shafts is controlled by some form of pattern chain, there is virtually no limit to the number of picks per repeat. Jacquard machines are made in a wide variety of sizes to control from 100 to 2000 or more ends per repeat. A common size controls 600 ends, which, in a cloth with 30 ends/cm, gives a repeat 20 cm wide within which the designer has complete freedom. The lifting of the ends is controlled by a chain of punched cards or by a loop of punched paper (Ministry of Science and Technology, 2006). from high-fashion woollens to heavy technical textiles. ... With the yarn friendly, reed-controlled terry equipment a maximum loose pick distance of 24 mm and thus pile heights of over 11 mm are possible. Rapier has special weft brake which decelerates the weft perfectly to the exact length, thus reducing weft waste to a minimum. A projectile weaving machine with a working width of 390 cm, equipped for denim production, weave a denim fabric in two panels, with a weft insertion rate of over 1500 m/min and special yarn waste reduction. The projectile weaving machine's versatility is proved by the wide range of fabrics it produces. The projectile weft insertion system can be used with all types of yarn, from spun yarns made of cotton, wool, man-made fibres and blends thereof, filament yarns, tapes and monofils for simple standard fabrics, to sophisticated, state-of-the-art technical textiles. A particular strength of the projectile weaving machine is the production of broad fabrics, with working widths up to 6.5 metres. This gives unbeatable advantages in the production of technical textiles, agrotextiles and geotextiles. Given the rising cost of energy, the low power consumption of the projectile weaving machine, together with its minimal maintenance requirement, is an increasingly important advantage. Where maximum efficiency in the production of high-quality standard fabrics made from spun or filament yarns is called for, the latest-generation air-jet weaving machine, demonstrates its strengths. A high weft insertion rate of over 2000 m/min, combined with extensive automation, user-friendliness and small footprint result in top profitability for competitive weaving mills. A maximum working width of 4 metres also allows cost-efficient
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
EXAM PREPARATION (MARKETING RESEARCH) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
EXAM PREPARATION (MARKETING RESEARCH) - Essay Example Another example of categorical data is the use of geography and demographic data to predict behaviour of the consumer. In demography and geography survey, the consumers respond to their state of residence or the city, or the country of origin (Texas, California, and Chicago). However, the study should limit the states or the cities from where it operates from or have subsidiaries. To assess the specific geographic market segmentation, business composition, growth patterns, and the demand difference among the zones or areas of operation, one should also use categorical data. These data can be collected using three criteria. The common approach is the use of open-ended questionnaire that would require coding after data collection (respond allowed to write their thought). Another example involves the use of lists of items in a form to enable the respondent select the options. The categorical data allows the use of multiple response questions (respondent selects). The questions must be c oded to make the selection and subsequent analysis easy. The reason for assigning numbers to labels facilitates data analysis. Analysis is possible through the assessment of modal frequencies and percentages. The nominal data are not suitable for studies that seek to establish the comparison and to rank between products in different geographical and demographic zones. Besides, one cannot use these data in studies that require averages and comparison. Studies seeking to establish ranking or ordering of products and other business variables use ordinal data. In simple terms, the ordinal data determines natural order hence referred to as the rating scale. One can rate (excellent, good, fair, unsatisfactory, and poor) services or products. Such data is useful when one seeks to leverage on the respondent willingness to rank or make their preferred list of items through their selection strategies. Unlike categorical data, which
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Management in Libraries Essay Example for Free
Management in Libraries Essay Economic threat to the libraries by escalation of books and journals, fewer resources, constant growth changes in technology and user high expectation have shown that management is the critical factor that determines efficiency and effectiveness of all types of libraries. Thus managers are expected to play different functions in order to be effective and efficient. In this assignment different functions and roles played by managers in different libraries are discussed showing how they improve efficiency and effectiveness and different laws of library management are discussed. DEFINITION OF TERMS Management Effectiveness defined by Bateman, T is â€Å"doing things right†. This means that the manager has the responsibility for selecting the right goals and appropriate means to achieving it. Efficiency is measuring the cost of attaining a given goal, concerned about how resources such as money, time, equipment, personnel obtain given goals. Thus a manager needs to be effective and efficient in order to achieve the goals of the library. MAIN DISCUSSION Library management comprise more than just making changes, it involves managing ongoing operations in the optimal fashion for your institution in the context of its goals, other department’s activities and patrons needs. Thus we realize that different libraries may require managerial different managerial skills in order to perform their duties effectively. Managers help in giving direction to the library showing where it is going. Library management involves planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Planning is about systematical making decisions about the library goals. In planning the manager defines the objectives the objectives of the library, stating the purpose of its existence, defining the user community and their information needs. This is important as it facilitates efficiency. It helps in understanding the library stakeholders. A public library is an omnibus organization. It carters for everyone in the community thus the need for every user must be known and fulfilled. A public library serves a diverse community of adults, children and teens thus a manager has to plan on resources to be acquired. A manager can plan on different resources that can be acquired ranging from entertainment, fiction, nonfiction for general research, children story books because there are no specific users, the resources must benefit everyone in the society. A manager also organize and coordinate human, financial , physical, informational and other resources needed to achieve library goals. The manager establishes the activity authority relationship of the library. The activities necessary to achieve the objectives are then grouped into working divisions, departments and grouped together. In an academic library a manager can group together activities like accession and cataloguing The manager has to establish standards for performance; this will make sure that the library is performing in such a way as to arrive at its destination. According to Griffin â€Å"controlling helps to ensure effective and efficiency needed for successful management†As a leader the manager is responsible for staffing which is concerned with allocating prospective employees to fulfill the jobs created by organizing process. It involves the process of reviewing the credentials of the candidates of the jobs and trying to match the job demand with the application s abilities keeping each employee qualified. It also involves the development and implementation of a system for appraising performance and providing feedback for performance improvement. In a special library where the main target is a specific audience, for example ZIMRA library its serves the ZIMRA staff and mainly the manager have to recruit someone who posses research skills because mainly it deals with research for its company. The manager is responsible for choosing the right candidate, who knows how to research, even on the internet where there is information overload the candidate must be able to extract relevant information using the right search engine, mainly in a special library every one depend on the information provided by the librarian. The manager is also responsible for keeping the librarian qualified for the job by providing ongoing training since the librarianship profession is dynamic thus this will improve effectiveness and efficiency of libraries. A manager also gives s direction that will help the library in achieving its goals. Directing builds a climate, provides leadership and arranges the opportunity for motivation this is further explained by Rachel’s laws of library management, it says save time of your staff. This means that the staff must be given support they need for them to achieve goals effectively and efficiently this include providing training for them where it is needed. Each boss must plan and oversee the wok of each of his or her subordinates. In an academic library there are different services offered for example cataloguing and accession section can be directed by one manager then the E- resource section can be under another manager e- journals purchased, subscriptions etc. This will ease the load as one manager is focusing on a specific service thus he spend more time trying to improve the services and working with his subordinates and improves efficiency in the library. As a manager attempts to perform the managerial job effectively and efficiently there is a need to ‘wear different hats’ in interaction with employees. Managers interacts with others besides subordinates they work with other peer level managers in some other departments and outside contacts (suppliers and clients). Thus a manager is building contacts through which to gather information. Rachel agrees with this in the laws of management which says library resources are for use. A library manager is expected to connect resources with the user achieving the library goals. Through the liaison role a manager is able to network with other libraries. Academic libraries can practice resource sharing if there are shortages of material in specific departments the two libraries can share the available resources to both libraries and this will give the patrons a wide variety of information thus fulfilling their needs, this will improve efficiency. The manager is exposed to new ideas or methods that may improve the work unit operations. The manager initiates activities that will allow and encourage the work unit to use the idea most advantageously. Rachel’s law of management says that a library is a growing organism. A manager needs to open to change and help the library evolve to meet the needs of patrons. We can look at public library, the introduction of automation the staff may resist change having fear of losing their jobs thus a manager is responsible for encouraging and motivating the staff showing them the advantages of automating the library services and how it can reduce their workload, providing training for them thus the duties are performed effectively and efficiently satisfying the needs of different patrons. An effective manager is an active leader who creates a positive work environment in which the organization and its employees have the opportunity and incentive to achieve high performance (†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ) In order to perform duties effectively and efficiently Rachel says that â€Å"every task its doer†. The manager encourages ownership and responsibility to each staff member. Every staff member his/ her work, the manager must know people’s skills and strength and staff can then be deployed according to their abilities then the duties can be done perfectly improving effectiveness and efficiency in a library. Even though the staff is divided according to their abilities it is the duty of a manager to create a spirit oneness and togetherness amongst the subordinates. They should work as a team to achieve the library goals; Bavakuty M (2000) agrees that libraries can become effective and efficient by â€Å"strong top management support, a system approach and strategic planning, a customer focus, an emphasis on employee team work, empowerment training, the use of measurement and analysis technique and commitment to continuous improvement†. The manager seeks and receives wide variety of special information to develop through the understanding of the library and the environment, emerges as the nerve centre about the library. The manager monitors internal and external events, ideas, trends and analysis. The manager then uses the information to detect changes, problems and opportunities and to construct decision making scenario. The manager as the disseminator transmits information from other employees to other members of the library. The manager can bring external information received into the organization and facilitate internal flow of information. Thus we realize that management is the heart of any type of library and facilitate efficiency and effectiveness. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bavakutty, M (2000). Management of libraries In the 21st Century. Ess Ess Publication. India. Griffin, R. (1987). Management 2nd editition. Maffin Co Mohant, T. C. (2008). Research Methodology in Library Science. alpha Publishers India. Plunket, R. (1983). Introduction to Management. Kent Publication. United States of Amenrica.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Galahad as a Christ Figure Essay -- God Religion Galahad Essays Papers
Galahad as a Christ Figure Very few people can call themselves a Christ figure. There are so many elements that go into being a Christ figure. Galahad had all those elements. He was enraptured, he saw 'the wonders of the Holy Grail', and he had disciples. Also, he made life better for human beings by sacrificing himself for others, he preformed miracles, and he heard holy voices and saw holy visions. Because of all that he did Galahad was a proven Christ figure of his time. Galahad would hear holy voices and see visions throughout his journeys. Galahad saw a vision of angels praying about a silver table, meaning that he was close to the end of his search for the Holy Grail. Many times voices would help him and warn him. At one time he was about to kill one of the knights he had been fighting when a voice told him, 'If those two knights had known you as well as I do, they would let you alone.' Hearing this, Galahad rode off without killing either of the knights. The voice saved him from killing his own father. 'For once caution was the better part of valor!' Performing miracles to make life better for human beings is a characteristic that Christ figures possess. When the silver table appeared on Galahad?s boat, he needed help taking it off. He called to an old crippled man to help him carry it. The old man told Galahad that he had been crippled for far too long and such a task would be impossible for him. Finally, the cripple obeyed Galahad and when he stood up he ...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Ethics †Food Essay
Although most people do not realize it, patrons of food establishments place their lives in the establishments’ hands. Improper storing and labeling of food items or selling slightly-expired food can be tempting from a financial perspective but can lead to serious injury or worse due to food poisoning, cross-contamination or allergic reactions. Food establishments should include firm commitments to food safety in their codes of ethics, always placing food safety above financial concerns. This includes going beyond the letter of the law to enforce the highest product quality standards. A code of ethics should include a commitment to sell only healthy products and never to use harmful ingredients. (http://smallbusiness. chron. com/code-ethics-food-establishments-10815. html) Delicious This Code of Ethics describes standards of conduct for Healthylicious board members, officers, managers and all other employees of Heakthylicious, and has been approved by the Healthylicious Restaurant Group, Inc. Board of Directors. Many of the policies in this Code are based on various laws and regulations. Other are based on business and ethical principles than enhance Healthylicious ability to conduct its business effectively. Others restate basic work rules and principles contained in the Employee Handbook. The purpose of the Code is to provide guidance and set common ethical standards each of us must adhere to on a consistent basis. It governs the actions and working relationships of board members, officers, managers and all other employees in dealing with fellow employees, guests, competitors, vendors, suppliers, governmental and self-regulatory agencies, the media, and anyone else with whom our company has contact. These relationships are essential to the continued success of Healthylicious restaurant . (www. mortons. com/assets/pdf/code_of_ethics. pdf? ) This Code: †¢ Requires the highest standards for honest and ethical conduct, including proper and ethical procedures for dealing with conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships. †¢ Requires full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in reports and documents that Morton’s files with, or submits to, governmental and regulatory agencies, and in other public communications made by Morton’s. †¢ Requires compliance with applicable governmental laws, rules and regulations. †¢ Requires the prompt internal report of any illegal behavior or violations of the Code. †¢ Establishes accountability for adherence to the Code. †¢ Provides for methods to communicate violations of the code. * We consider moral as an inevitable factor in caring on any duties & talking decisions. We try to follow the highest standards based on Sincerity, generosity, conscientious. * We carry on the affairs individually & groups to bring about validity to our company. * We at all times spend all of our energy & resources towards production and services to guarantee our success against our competitor. * We behave equally towards all our guests all race religion, nationally and beliefs. * We offer all our services & productions in highest standard with perfect constancy. * We provide a safe & sanitary environment for all our guests and personal. * We try to stay for good at highest position & in majority in word, practice ethic affairs. * We promote knowledge, education experience and motivation for all the staff in order to do their duties in a higher standard. * We provide equal opportunities for anyone to carry on their duties and all the staff which is working in similar level would be evaluated no differently. * We fully try to protect the natural environment and resources while carry on our duties. * We are looking for a fair share of income, no more or less. an. Our Mission †¢ To provide a wholesome dining experience, with Top Quality food, healthy and a staff that wants to exceed the CUSTOMERS expectations!! Our Vision †¢ To maintain a profitable operation that will continue our TRADITION of Quality Family dining, at a reasonable cost, in a comfortable atmosphere, with exceptional service. Our Values †¢ We are in business to meet our customer’s needs. †¢ We believe in empowering our staff to resolve customers concerns on the spot. We treat our employees as we want them to treat our customers. †¢ We believe in continuing our Family Tradition. †¢ We believe in you the customer, and by this tradition we will continue to make a reasonable profit, that will allow us to remain competitive, healthy, community involved, and a Family Restaurant where generation will continue to gather. †¢ We seek your comments, for we realize to exceed your expectations, we need to know what they are. †¢ Your safety, health, comfort, nourishment and Quality Service are Number â€Å"One†to US!!!
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo
I was in my fourth year high school since I last watch a play. It was about El Filibusterismo, the second novel of Dr. Jose Rizal. I somewhat forgot the story of the two popular novels of Rizal that is why I was so excited to watch the play of the Dulaang UP, Noli me Tangere: The Opera. It was not a usual play compared to the plays I had watched during my high school days. It was not a normal act that the actors/ actresses must play the role assigned to them and say their lines followed in the script. In an opera they needed to execute a dramatic work combining text (libretto) and musical score. It is really difficult to perform in a musical play and also the fact that performing in front of many people is uneasy. But as I watch the play, the characters were comfortable and love what they are doing which I really liked about them. Many years have passed so my knowledge about the novel is very little. But the play gave a better way of telling and understanding the story. So as it came along I have remembered the novel scene by scene and chapters by chapters. The play inspired me in a better appreciation of Rizal’s Noli me Tangere because I truly felt the emotions showcased by the performers. It was full of passion. You will really feel the nationalism being portrayed by the actors in the play. It made me realized the importance and the role of the two novels, Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, in helping the Filipino people to become conscious that the doings of the colonizers were inhumane. It is no doubt that these novels were one of the reasons that boosted and led our heroes to revolt against the Spaniards. It was my first time to watch an opera and it was splendid. Since it was my first, I really watched the play very well. I was truly amazed with the voices of the actors and actresses especially the one who were playing as Maria Clara. I was hook with her voice throughout the play because of its wide range and it was so extreme. The accompaniment made the production complete. It gave the wonderful voices of the young and talented artists to be more powerful and pleasant to hear. It also gave the story more life and made the audience to feel the emotions of the actors. The setting was full of Philippine indigenous materials and the costumes of the performers were made of inabel cloth which created a good connection to the audience. It helped them to sense the past and to think about the cultures, beautiful places, clean surroundings, traditions, customs and beliefs that we have before. The choreography, special props, lightings and sound effects made the production enjoyable to watch, livelier and more intense. Sum it all up, the presentation was truly great. But I know they are still lot of rooms for improvement. They can still make the play to be more interesting and more enjoyable to watch. So if I were to rate the production, five (5) being the highest and one (1) being the lowest, I would give them a four (4).
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Formalistic Analysis of Hills Like White Elephants Essay Example
Formalistic Analysis of Hills Like White Elephants Essay Example Formalistic Analysis of Hills Like White Elephants Essay Formalistic Analysis of Hills Like White Elephants Essay In an analysis of the story â€Å"Hills like white elephants†by Ernest Hemmingway, one is forced to take a deep look at the hidden meanings embedded in the story. Considering the point of view, the significance of the location and its relevance to the story, the structure of the text, the symbolic meaning of the two landscapes and the title of the story, the entrails of the story are exposed. Hemmingway’s story is written in an objective or dramatic point of view. The story is told primarily through dialogue. The narrator has emotionally distanced himself from the characters, and the true feelings and opinions of the characters are revealed in little clues as the story progresses. The narrator acts solely as a reporter of the chain of events as they occur. No personal inflection is implied. This allows the reader to formulate their own conclusions. Also I believe at the time, the topic of abortion may still have been taboo and sensitive, and this was Hemmingway’s clever device of dealing with a societal issue in a nontraditional way. The structure of the text primarily takes the form of a dialogue. : This is in stark contrast with the characters inability to communicate effectively. The man has his own agenda planned and tries forcefully to convince Jig of accepting his way of dealing with the conflict. Jig is trying to access the situation by asking the man if they will be alright as a couple after the abortion, â€Å"everything will be fine,†and end up answering her own question, â€Å"I’ll do it and everything will be fine. †Due to his lack of desire to go through with any other plan than his own, he forces her to deny her own desires and she find her present situation to be unsure at best. The man however has made up his mind and is determined to make up her mind for her as well, but he uses subtlety, â€Å"I dont want you to do it if you dont really want to. †He then contradicts himself and betrays his true feelings when he says, â€Å"But youve got to realize they are both speaking but not really communication their true desires. Jig is really against the whole situation and denies it within herself. She says, Everything tastes of licorice. (Sweet)†¦all the things youve waited so long for, like absinthe (bitter), the combination is bittersweet. A deeper reading leads to a new understanding of the symbolic meaning of the two landscape descriptions. They were in stark contrast to each other. One side was barren and arid, the other green and fertile. â€Å"The valley of the Ebro was long and white there was no shade and no trees†¦ On the other side, â€Å"were fields of grain and trees. †These opposing landscapes symbolize the contrasting options available to the couple. The dry side of the valley represented the choice to abort the unborn child and continue with an empty life filled shallow experiences, â€Å"(looking) at things and (trying) new drinks. The fertile side of the valley represents the life the woman desires, one filled with family and meaningful moments. The story then shifts to the station which was between two lines of rails†this represented the two opposite directions in which they could have traveled, and the choice that lay in each direction, Madrid being the place of abortion, and the continuity of the ‘empty’ life they were used to together, or toward Barcelona, a new start, a new beginning, with a new life. So railroad station represented a crossroads or junction at which they had to cross. The title of the story was simile. The title â€Å"hills like white elephants†also represented the choice that the couple had to make. A white elephant is symbolic of an unwanted item that may be costly or burdensome to maintain. This would have aptly described the view of the man concerning the unborn child. To him it would have been unwanted and a burden considering their flighty lifestyle. It would cramp the constant traveling as indicated by the multiplicity of stickers on the luggage. Some believe that in other cultures, a white elephant can also be viewed as something rare and something to be cherished. This interpretation would be more representative of Jig’s perspective, as she longed and desired to become a mother and start a family. After reviewing the point of view, the significance of the location and its relevance to the story, the structure of the text, the symbolic meaning of the two landscapes and the title of the story, the true and deeper meaning of the store has been made plain, and what was once a simple narrative story has now become an in-depth revelation of human conflicts and the often difficult decisions that lay before us.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Culture - Definition, Discussion and Examples
Culture s Culture is a term that refers to a large and diverse set of mostly intangible aspects of social life. According to sociologists, culture consists of the values, beliefs, systems of language, communication, and practices that people share in common and that can be used to define them as a collective. Culture also includes the material objects that are common to that group or society. Culture is distinct from social structure and economic aspects of society, but it is connected to them - both continuously informing them and being informed by them. How Sociologists Define Culture Culture is one of the most important concepts within sociology because sociologists recognize that it plays a crucial role in our social lives. It is important for shaping social relationships, maintaining and challenging social order, determining how we make sense of the world and our place in it, and in shaping our everyday actions and experiences in society. It is composed of both non-material and material things. In brief, sociologists define the non-material aspects of culture as the values and beliefs, language, communication, and practices that are shared in common by a group of people. Expanding on these categories, culture is made up of our knowledge, common sense, assumptions, and expectations. It is also the rules, norms, laws, and morals that govern society; the words we use as well as how we speak and write them (what sociologists call discourse); and the symbols we use to express meaning, ideas, and concepts (like traffic signs and emojis, for example). Culture is also what we do and how we behave and perform (for example, theater and dance). It informs and is encapsulated in how we walk, sit, carry our bodies, and interact with others; how we behave depending on the place, time, and audience; and how we express identities of race, class, gender, and sexuality, among others. Culture also includes the collective practices we participate in, such as religious ceremonies, the celebrati on of secular holidays, and attending sporting events. Material culture is composed of the things that humans make and use. This aspect of culture includes a wide variety of things, from buildings, technological gadgets, and clothing, to film, music, literature, and art, among others. Aspects of material culture are more commonly referred to as cultural products. Sociologists see the two sides of culture - the material and non-material - as intimately connected. Material culture emerges from and is shaped by the non-material aspects of culture. In other words, what we value, believe, and know (and what we do together in everyday life) influences the things that we make. But it is not a one-way relationship between material and non-material culture. Material culture can also influence the non-material aspects of culture. For example, a powerful documentary film (an aspect of material culture) might change people’s attitudes and beliefs (i.e. non-material culture). This is why cultural products tend to follow patterns. What has come before in terms of music, film, television, and art, for example, influences the values, beliefs, and expectations of those who interact with them, which then, in turn, influence the creation of additional cultural products. Why Culture Matters to Sociologists Culture is important to sociologists because it plays a significant and important role in the production of social order. The social order refers to the stability of society based on the collective agreement to rules and norms that allow us to cooperate, function as a society, and live together (ideally) in peace and harmony. For sociologists, there are both good and bad aspects of social order. Rooted in the theory of classical French sociologist Émile Durkheim, both material and non-material aspects of culture are valuable in that they hold society together. The values, beliefs, morals, communication, and practices that we share in common provide us with a shared sense of purpose and a valuable collective identity. Durkheim revealed through his research that when people come together to participate in rituals, they reaffirm the culture they hold in common, and in doing so, strengthen the social ties that bind them together. Today, sociologists see this important social phenomenon happening not only in religious rituals and celebrations like (some) weddings and the Indian festival of Holi but also in secular ones - such as high school dances and widely-attended, televised sporting events (for example, the Super Bowl and March Madness). Famous Prussian social theorist and activist Karl Marx established the critical approach to culture in the social sciences. According to Marx, it is in the realm of non-material culture that a minority is able to maintain unjust power over the majority. He reasoned that subscribing to mainstream values, norms, and beliefs keep people invested in unequal social systems that do not work in their best interests, but rather, benefit the powerful minority. Sociologists today see Marxs theory in action in the way that most people in capitalist societies buy into the belief that success comes from hard work and dedication, and that anyone can live a good life if they do these things - despite the reality that a job which pays a living wage is increasingly hard to come by. Both theorists were right about the role that culture plays in society, but neither was exclusively right. Culture can be a force for oppression and domination, but it can also be a force for creativity, resistance, and liberation. It is also a deeply important aspect of human social life and social organization. Without it, we would not have relationships or society.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The realities and fictions of Saving Private Ryan Essay
The realities and fictions of Saving Private Ryan - Essay Example The first thirty minutes of the movie depicted the carnage that happened on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day. There was a real Omaha Beach were American troops made their landing and beachhead. The Higgins boat which transported the troops and landed them on the beaches were accurate. The carnage depicted used the perspective of the infantryman on the beach, which tried to approximate the brutality of the landings. Although many died on the beaches and the landing areas were pre-sighted by the Germans with their guns and artillery, it was not the real battle but merely a depiction of what happened. The character of Lt. Colonel Anderson, Commanding Officer, 2nd Ranger Battalion, who gave Capt. Miller his order to find Ryan, is fictitious. Miller himself was fictitious and there was no such officer commanding Company C of the 2nd Rangers. However, the actions which Miller performed on Omaha Beach were also documented as having been done by real-life American officers who breached the German defenses. In the same context that Anderson and Miller were fictitious characters, so to were the rest of the squad which included Sergeant Horvath, Corporal Upham, and Privates Caparzo, Mellish, Reiben, Jackson, Wade and Upham. In fact, James Ryan, Private, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Divisi
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